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It's been a good six months since the last patron-exclusive Q&A, so it's about time for another! Ask us anything in the form of a comment on this post and we'll answer the best we can while also avoiding spoilers.


BadTech Games

Are you planning to bring the routes of TJ,Jenna and (the lizard guy) up to match that of Leo and Carl before progressing further with L+C? or do you think you will add little teaser bits to them as you add in more TJ, Jenna and lizard guy.


Will all of the routes be roughly the same length? How many days are left for Carl and Leo?


If you had to choose only one of the routes to be the "main story" which do you think you would choose?


It's been six months since I last bombarded you with questions?!


Will each route have different endings, or are some characters fated to have a bad end?


I'm not sure if you've seen any of our discussions regarding Leo, primarily in the the comment of the last build post, but I've been wondering what you guys think of Leo. Do you think he's an obsessed, abusive manipulator, a misguided slightly-crazy good guy, or a presently misunderstood adorable hottie? Is there a consensus amongst you creators, or do you guys disagree about him?


Something I was wondering. There was a passing mention of Leo having siblings but nothing about their current whereabouts, did they all stay with their parents when they moved, did they go off on their own? Also were they part of the group back in the day, it seems odd they wouldn't have hung out with the rest of the kids in town unless they were significantly younger/older than everyone else.


The lengths will likely be similar. As for the amount of days remaining...let's just say that time won't be as easily perceived as it was before the end of the week, so that's hard to answer. To keep from being too ambiguous we're at least a third into Carl and Leo's routes.


They're all equally important to us, but if there were to be a "cannon" route, that would probably be one of the endings for Leo. You'll see why.


Leo is a lot of things. I suppose the thing we hope to get across most, though, is that he's a good person and not everything he does is necessarily his fault. Hopefully things will become clearer as time progresses. As for the second half of your question I think we have disagreed on all of the characters at some point. In the end, Howly has the final word on what exactly happens.


Are there gonna be any more funding goals added? If so, what do you think they may be?


So is the sex scene in Leo's route what we can expect from other such scenes? Is it unfinished?


I've been wondering this as well. In the current build we only read about what happens after their fun.


will there be dead ends? as in decisions or actions in the game that cause it to end abruptly due to incorrect decision making at any point in the game?


We asked patrons for ideas a while back and there were several suggestions that we liked. We just need to really analyze which will work out best before we put it to a vote.


He has a brother and sister who both live in Payton. The brother works with their father and has his own family. Leo is the youngest by almost ten years so they were both out of high school by the time the family moved to Echo.


In your opinion, does this game exist in the same shared universe as Blackgate? Or are they different universes?


Why is Howly so sexy?


Hey! just discoreved this VN and played it the entire weeked. Love it, the characters have flaws (wich is good) and the story seems deep. Keep up the good work! Also, do you have someone doing the music for it or you are doing it yourself? If it is yourself, what program do you use? The music in this is what I liked most, really got into me, and get that good vibe of Stardew Valley in some of them that fit just right. Also, any chance that the characters will gain different face expression sprites?


Answering this directly could be spoiler territory. I will say that Bane and Howly have discussed the possibility...


What of the music being used is royalty free? Does that include the piano piece that's used a couple times for Leo and Chase?


What are the main characters last names? I recall in one of the short stories it was mentioned that TJ's is Hess but I am curious about the others.


I think Jenna's is Begay, assuming she retained the last name of her ancestor (who, indeed, turned out to BE very GAY, probs). Carl's ancestor was named James Hendricks, but I'm about 90% sure that bloodline is from his Mom's side of the family, and assuming that he traditionally took his father's last name, he likely doesn't share that surname. As for the others, I don't think we've gotten anything.