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Sorry for the long silence guys, but we're starting to get back into the swing of things.

One thing we're working on is a redesign of Leo. We always felt he was a bit on the lean side even though he's described as thick and beefy. Here's a little sketch to give you an idea of what we're going for. What do you think?




I don't mean to sound rushy but, Do you know when the next update might come? Im really hoping to see some more of carl.


I love the redesign :) beefy Leo is a good Leo.


That is definitely thicc and beefy! I'm definitely a fan •ᴥ• Keep up the amazinbran work!


I like that Leo much better.


Definitely this one.


Personally, I'm not a fan of big guts. I'll survive though.


I'm really digging this design a lot. I think he works fine either way, but I do personally like this. One quick note about him - the original sketch of just his head, the bust, had him looking off to the side, and I think that worked much better. Something about his eyes right now, just the direction they're pointed, bothers me and just doesn't feel quite right. Maybe I'm the only one, but I just think the bust worked a lot better.


I really like it, this design fits him better.


As good as the last, live Leo design is, I've balked over this for the longest time in various posts. So, finally~!


Not a fan. At all. He's very good the way he's now in my opinion. Why fix something if it's not broken?


I actually liked the first design a lot-- right now he's a bit similar in body shape to Carl, I think. Almost too similar. I like the bigger arms but not really the bigger gut.


Give him a sixpack xD


He gets a six pack that he shares with Chase, remember? d:


Personally like the current design, but you can't always get what you want :p

MeekoWolf (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 20:07:14 がんばれ!がんばれ!大丈夫出せなくっても体内の水分その他が循環してるだけだから! (;`・ω・)9゛ それにしても、お尻に頬ずりしながら至近距離で観察したくなる美しい穴ですのぅ。
2016-06-03 19:18:26 This



The gut is nice, but I think he'd be better with more of a muscle gut, as that fits his large arms and tall build better.


I'm liking this design a lot! I feel like it fits the character and the story. From what I've played Leo's been drinking a good bit and I'd guess he hasn't been working out a whole lot; both of which would end up with a bit of a gut.


I'm afraid I'm not a fan of this huskier look, as I feel a more clearly muscular look suits him more than anything chubier or with a pronounced beer gut.


I love it.