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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bx1cwd5jlj91x57/Interea-0.2-pc.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8rbset8vfpeshr8/Interea-0.2-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7d216jgvze09bn5/Interea-0.2-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2dp6qrzy462hyms/Interea_2-universal-release.apk/file

So we ran into a few last minute issues, major one being that I didn't realize that a new character's sprites were not transparent until running through it to check for game-breaking bugs. Sadly, this meant I had to remove all coding that dealt with his emotive sprites. This should be fixed for the public build, but in the meantime, I left his folder in the game files in case you want to have a look and imagine how it might have played out.

We also have a new illustration set by Haps and new music (Amicus's theme, in fact) by Moe to go with it.




YAS! Finally


AHh this was awesome! Despite the bugs I am really loving this side story. There's a lot more I wanted out of Adastra that simply didn't fit into the first vn so being able to explore more of this world is fascinating. The cliffhanger ending was also incredibly intriguing, can't wait for the next build!

Emilio Hyena

I kinda noticed that Interea and Arches are sharing the same file directory? My Arches save is showing up when I try to load up the previous Interea save.


Just finished reading it. Near the end, in the paragraph starting with "They don't know what they're doing,". a "to" should be added after helpful. Loved the update though. that "to be continued..." though, gaah


Can't wait to get off work to play, it's well worth the wait 🥰


wtf did bears do to amicus lmao great update btw!!


Why is there no android yet?

Vitsi The Fox

Detective wolf and the case of invisible bear


It's weird how Interea has my Arches saved file


That mad face he puts OMG adorable!!! 😂😂😂😍😍

Garreon LeFay

Hey , Bjarni's srite doesn't appear when he is talking.

Crazy Jimothy (6’2)

I think there was a couple bugs with Bjarni but aside from that this update kicked ass


Its hided, Howly had a couple of problems with it but itll appear in the public update.


I think that you have Amicus saying the line about a thought experiment being used to illustrate an idea when it is supposed to be another character. Otherwise, I enjoyed that a lot! I wonder how much the location has to do with the recent events..


Gotta say I'm really liking the new Amicus, he's even fluffier than ever. If I had any issues is just that his facial expressions don't seem to work, maybe its the eyes (either too small or to close together), he comes off looking more like that rat...I mean cat...I don't know I just can't place my finger exactly on it. Otherwise, yeah, I'm loving the fluffiness and none more than the first CG where he looks perfect


It might take awhile to grow on Amicus' new sprites, ngl. I personally prefer the old one since he looked more cartoony and appealing to look at due his friendly-look on his eyes. Either way, he still looks great! I'm wondering what prompted the art change though, unless it's the artist's preference to do so, then I can't complain~ ^^


I must agree with the comments about Amicus's new design. His eyes are just a little too small. I fell in love with his original design and I'm just not feeling it with this one.


Soooooooo plot twist: Howly has been abducted by an alien wolf, and has been contacted by the parents. WRITING THIS IS HIS WAY OF ASSIMILATING EARTH INTO THE GALAXIAS!!!😱😱😱


Just waiting for the parents to hack our body augments and turn us into a screeching psycho when we misbehave


I think that's what they actually tried to do, but failed, lol.


I get this error when trying to download the Android version: "This file has been identified as a copyright protected work and cannot be distributed using MediaFire"


is this the final build of interea or is it not quite done yet?