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So now that we've reached all of our funding goals, we're thinking about putting up a few more. We're curious as to what you guys want. What do you think will make the game better and also attract prospective patrons? Let us know in the comments. We'll read them all, pick out some that we really like, then hold a vote sometime in the future!



I think making the illustrations and characters a little animated would be nice, like when you are having conversations with them, they may move an arm or smile or show other expressions.


Expressive sprites would be nice. Maybe animated CG's if you really push it. Voice acting with the option to turn it on or off.


Some Echo Merchandise (: like T-shirts or Pillows :3


While I really would like to see some voice acting (would make Leo even more of a total babe, if cast right), I know it requires a large investment of time and money to be done right. Perhaps you could play around with the idea of adding more audio snippets to make the soundscape a little more interesting, even character sounds, like groaning, or sighing, stuff that can't be expressed well through just text. For example, the voice that's always in Chase's nightmares could have some distant, unintelligible whispering, just to set a bit of a mood, and give an idea of what the voice sounds like.


Some more art would be nice in certain scenes maybe showing us things like Snuggling Leo, Flynns whole smexy scene and Carl's kiss etc. Showing a certain cat walking in on Chase at the diner would also be pretty funny.


Some sort of animations. Specifically what Dragonsmidst said. I'd also love to get more sound effects, and definitely more artwork.


100% concur with Uuuurrrrgh!; little voices and sound effects seem like an attainable, and probably less controversial, alternative to full VO, and could add plenty of atmosphere. Animation, or even just animatics, for sprite body motion, while desirable, feels like a pretty huge ask. Just look at Gruff over on Blackgate . . . It's a lot of extra effort. But perhaps sprites with just alternative facial expressions could be reasonable.


Merch and Expressions :p those are the big ones for me... and maybe one for copious amounts of CG <3


Exclusive merch. Expressive sprites. Optionally-enabled voice acting. Those are my three big ones. Having CG sprites would be cool, but I think expressive sprites is the logical route first. Oh, and have more frequent short stories!


More character sprites, like others said different poses/expressions would be good but also more outfits (it just seems strange to me that they never change clothes) also sprites for side characters if they have recurring appearances. And while it may not be feasible, having full animated cut-scenes for major events would be cool.


I think the number one thing is having reactive sprites, having the character models change their expressions and/or poses depending on what they're saying, and the context.


It could be nice if the characters said the first word of every sentence out loud, just like in Fire Emblem. It could give us a sense of their voices, and some extra expressiveness!


I prefer to have more CG, especially some adult artwork when they have some special interaction. :D