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Illustration asset for Arches is drawn by project artist Paintfox 

"Wow, it's so cool to have nature right up at our feet like this."

"No kidding. Now just make sure you shake out the sleeping bag before you get in in case of scorpians and huntsmans.

Devon grins. "Just kidding, you'll be sleeping in the car, if you want... Though I don't know for sure if they can get into cars or not. I swear, every year with my old car, a giant spider crawled out of the vents at least once a year.”

Devon sees Cam's face and adds hurriedly, "that won't happen though."

Still, Cameron feels a bit skittish on the way back, and as soon as he finds a mirror, he starts combing through his fur with the travel-sized brush he brought along, just in case a spider, tick, or anything else horrifying managed to hitch a ride from the sage brush.



Ed Haynes

Can't wait to play this! XD