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Hey guys, sorry about the delay. Because of health-related reasons, I was a bit late in trying to figure out the schedule this month. Nothing serious at the moment; I'm just in a situation that makes it slightly hard to predict what I'll be able to accomplish this month in particular, so I may not be able to get an update out. I'm still scheduling it, and I'll be sure to let you know if anything changes!

Echo missed its update last month, but McSkinny says he has a large amount of content to release in the next update, including a stunning new illustration.

As for what you'll hopefully see this month and next:

-Khemia Build 1 will be released to the public on the 14th

-TSR Build 10 (William) will be released to the public on the 18th

-Khemia Build 2 tentatively set to be released on the 25th for patrons (this will depend on Howly's medical situation - will keep you updated)

-Echo Build 51 (Jenna) to be released on Oct 2nd (Will include a large amount of content to the missed update this month)

-TSR Build 11 (Cliff) to be released to the public on Oct 5th



Hope you get well soon :3


Get better soon ❤️


Hope everything goes well and hope you feel better soon! Take care, your health is always first priority!!


Glad to see that there is an update on an ETA. Please take care of yourself first don't push yourself too hard!!


Get better soon


Get better soon


Ah fuck, best of luck getting back to better health Howly


get well soon bud