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-Promo art by Paintfox

So enough teasing! Here's the next Echo Project VN that will be coming out sometime early next year. Currently, the project is called "Arches", and it will be set, once again, in the town of Echo. Though it could be considered a sequel, the story is standalone. Here's a short little synopsis:

March 2020

Devon the bear, and Cameron the coyote are boyfriends on a paranormal investigation trip to Echo. It's mostly just a fun hobby, but soon they learn Echo is unlike any of the other “haunted” places they've been to before. Over one terrifying weekend, Dev, Cameron, and a friend of theirs will explore the mostly abandoned town, uncover old secrets, and eventually fight for their very survival as they come up against sinister forces, both real, and possibly imagined...

It's been well over a year since I've written about Echo, and I look forward to returning. After my experience writing for Adastra, I'm following a similar, single-route model with this one, though with more branching paths. One thing I would like to mention is that if you were put off by Echo for any reason (content, characters, endings), know that this is going to be its own VN and will be tonally different. I think even fans of Adastra and Khemia will find a lot to like here (and if any of you haven't checked out the other standalone Echo VN, "The Smoke Room", please do!) There will be plenty of suspense and horror, of course, but maybe even a little something called hope as well. This might be the end of Echo, after all, though as Devon and Cameron find out, it won't be without a desperate fight.

As for who will be working on it?

Howly - Story/Writing

Paintfox - (@Paintfox34 on Twitter) - Character design/Sprite art

Kardamon - (@LimeCardamom on Twitter) - Background art/Additional art

Moe - (@Moemusician on Twitter) - Music composer

With this announcement, we will begin to upload assets and WIPs for the appropriate tiers, and we'll drop a little more information on the story over time as the release nears. Hope you're all looking forward to it as much as I am. Take care y'all!







Ohhhh my god!!! I am so excited!!!!


Since this will happen after the first Echo game, in the same location, wouldn't the first game need a canon ending?






"and it will be be set" a little typo in the post. Other than that, looking forward to this project. Is Howly also writing Khemia or is someone else doing that?


“but maybe even a little something called hope as well”,oh please...


I'm over the echo moon, this sounds amazing, like investigating the "ruins" of the town after everything went to hell. To see what's left, what happened, it just screams thrills...and nightmare fuel...and Devon the bear huh, I love the sound of that 🥰😍🥰


And it should be probably Flynn's ending because for what I remember at the ending both of this characters appeared in there.


Not really in all ending the town end up as a ghost town it may be different as which characters are in the town but they’re not necessarily need to appear again since it’s not a sequel from the first game.


Oh i know that was this after i finish flynn route i was suprise that is suddnelty counite now i know what will happened and that old character will returning aswell^^. so excite and i hope the will end that and give us fucking answeere and i hope chase will also get a happy end but something bother what is the cannon ending in Echo then?


Is depend really even so it is a stand alone title in the teaser i call it after the flynn route chase is there and interact with them so old character might reappear. Heck even Sam could make a apprence or other character of TSR.

Pat Giver

Will we see any returning characters? I hope Daxton makes a Return. He was my fave side character and it sucks that Flynn's ending was so sudden that we dont get to see what happened to him once everything was over.


im so excited :3


This is honestly amazing news and I'm so looking forward to seeing a full new story after the end of Echo like this!


looking forward to it.😍😍😍


Awesome! Looking forward to this project!


Cant wait :D


Super excited :D


Im so excited!