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Sorry for the late update guys!

-Adastra final build will be released to the public on the 12th

-The Smoke Room Build 7 (Nik and William) will be released to the public on the 19th

-Echo build 48 will be released to the public on the 22nd

-Echo build 49 will be released to patrons on the weekend of the 26th

-The Smoke Room Build 8 will be released to patrons on the 30th

More news to come on the new Adastra project. July is looking like a more realistic release date, but we will wait to make sure before letting you know. Just know that it will be soon!

I can announce here that the next visual novel in the Adastra universe will be titled “Khemia”, which may not be a surprise to many of you.

Take care everyone!



Yay! June 19th is my birthday!! I can’t wait!!!


That's awesome! Thamk u so much! X3 Keep up the awesome and amazing work that ya'll are doing in these crazy and difficult time! ♡


Keep up the great work guys!


ok i well see you soon


okay then can i ask when the steam room 8 be avail for public


YES! I was really hoping to visit Khemia. Also, does this mean we are following Neferu on a story or will we be playing as Neferu?


Ahhhhhhh I'm so excited! You're doing such incredible work!!


I do hope to follow the human or catch up on his progress in the future on adastra


It there any notice on when the "extra" ending from Flynns route is going to be finished? I'm really looking forward for that.