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WIN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mkvd6fahpolam41/TSR-7-win.zip/file

MAC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3pxkpellqggo95d/TSR-7-mac.zip/file

Linux: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hdqzrskg7d1rw3p/TSR-7-linux.tar.bz2/file

Promo art above is by @ShtarFish on twitter.

For this build, William and Nikolai have had their routes updated! As always, we appreciate feedback and if you find any bugs/typos, you can report them in the comments or on our Discord server.




How about the new echo build?


Oh come one, I was just about to go to bed, I got work tonight...this'll eat me up if I don't though then no sleep anyway...you're terrible LoL


I love this thank you!


May I have the link for the discord server?


Would you happen to know anything about the Echo update?


Could be just me, None of my TSR save files from previous versions work they all come up with the error screen. not a big deal I just deleted everything and am starting It all over again.


The more I see him, the more lines he gets, the more I wanna have a Todd route...please 🥰😘🥰


Ah you're not the only one who encountered this problem. :) I started over as well.


Todd's last name are Hunter, isn't? :)


Gotta say, I LOVE this promo art! Great work Shtar!


I sincerely hope that it's a work in progress, because HOLY HELL I want to see a full colour version so badly.


Some typos in William's route, though I'm not sure which are from the most recent update: "But I what I can't handle now is the fear and the guilt[...]," "That he was desperate enough to to the wrong thing at the last minute," "We walk for a good five minutes or so without much (vs. many) words spoken[...]," "The fox goes in through before me," "The fox springs to his knees quickly and took a snap," "And for the first time in weeks, they were tears of grattitude[...]," "I don't want to talk to to many of those," "We've have been good to you here," missing capital C in "'cause anybody who makes a huckleberry pie[...]," missing capital S in "It's good that you came back to us sam," Dora is referred to as "madame" in the text but her name when speaking is written as "Madam (no E) Dora," "Maybe he thinks more things will come to light if I don't cause a distracting.." (this one is labeled as Cynthia talking but I think it's supposed to be Sam), "I'm glad I know what the cards already mean because[...]" ("already" is placed oddly), "Is that was Todd dreams about wherever he tastes Mrs. Greene's pies," "I feel it is very rude to speak when when somebody[...]," "Cliff opened his mouth again but William shot him a look that made him shut it" (wrong tense), " "Nik is smiling and murdoch[...]" (missing capital M), "I collect everybody's cards while cliff[...]" (missing capital C), "At least I know he had a lousy hand for sure now" (mixed tenses), "He reveals his deck" (should be hand I assume).


Also, sorry my first comment here is a giant wall of corrections, hahaha. I love all the Echo Project games-- just wanna help out in whatever way I can.


possible bug: the music doesn't seem to be affected by the volume slider during the card game in william's route. I turned down all the sliders and it didn't seem to make a difference unless I hit "mute all." Idk maybe I did something wrong though.


Same thing. I had to lower the volume in my Windows Volume Settings.

George Squares

The card game scene used the background channel instead of the music channel, so that's probably why the music slider did nothing to it. Sometimes we do this because the background effect is better at looping songs for a long time. It might be possible to implement a sound slider in the future.


When will this update be released for Android?