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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ioqyxcmapedgcxi/Adastra-16-1-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/i7aypzswuc8gl0j/Adastra-16-1-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k5v8jhzgjnn0e7d/Adastra-16-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/73chvt8vufy7bsh/Adastra_16-release.apk/file

In which you learn to say goodbye.

This build includes several new amazing new illustrations from Haps. You can support him on his own Patreon HERE!

So a few things about this update. Ending B has not been finished as I've found it to be deviating quite a bit from ending A, more than I expected, and I've realized that I would like to give it its own full update. If you encountered Meera in your playthrough, you will likely be unable to continue unless you have another save to check out the A ending. The alternate ending is going to be a bit bigger than I planned, so in other words, I lied! There will be another update next month. Build 17 should wrap everything up and also implement a new UI system.

Remember, the story of Adastra will continue in June with a new visual novel (and it just might feature a certain wolf as one of the main characters!), so stick around for more information on that!

Let us know if you noticed any typos or errors in the comments below, and thank you so much for your patience. I hope ending of this story is at least satisfying for most of you.




The time has come... :(


love u guys!ur the BEST !😘😘😘


Omg finaly! ❤️😍


God. I am so not ready to say farewell :(


Don't worry my wolf. We'll grow old, together.


Rather than ending it here, you should use this as a chance to fix and expand upon the game more. Perhaps by adding more routes that can be started early on. You’ve got an amazing supporting cast that, for the most part, is underutilized and overshadowed. It would be nice to see routes where those characters can take the spotlight instead, and even open up new perspectives. Also, if there are any un-corrected bugs, where might I send proof of those?


Im 2 excited!!! Hope it will b a good ending


The best VN experience I've had. Such a great project. Looking forward to the next Adastra project.


I noticed a missing word in the line " I Stare at those words, Realizing that I might not actually alone amongst humanity, having all of this knowledge." I should have been ( I might not actually be alone) Other then that, it was an amazing story, and I hope there is a second version that will wind its way back to you getting back to Amicus. I am sure there has to be quite the story there with you showing up in Just a robe, and how the world will take the news. So far the most amazing and hart felt story I have read in a while. Makes me want to cry with everyone. Please keep up the excellent work and I look forward to greater thing.


This...is just...I don't know what to call it. Its a beautiful ending, loving Adastra, loving Amicus...love to cuddle into his bulky meaty body, I meant what I said awhile back, I do love his shape a whole lot. Such a good thic boi. 😙😄 Damn, even as I type this I can't stop crying, it hurts but it was a beautiful way to end it...I just can't help but feel...I don't know, something was missing, maybe more to the farewell? Or maybe I just didn't want to say goodbye 😢😭


This has been a very impressive game. Glad to see it's making from beginning to end.


Thank you for a beautiful ending


I want to see when they meet again ❤️


I never encountered meera. How to trigger that?


I'd like to know when and how you encounter Meera. Please, I'd like to know for completion's sake.




Meera? Not sure If I ran into them! Or how!


Omg dat was the best final episode ever im sad dat they have to be spread 4 8 years but u know wat it would be cool if the mc came back and see amicus adopted a child 😊😊


I agree, I feel the ending was missing somthing, the emotion was definitly there, evidence by the tears on my desk but there is somthing missing, maybe it was the ending i got I guess, i never got to see if the MC and Amicus get back together and live their lives out. Is that supposed to happen or was that just my ending?


Can I just say, I'm so incredibly grateful for finding this visual novel so many months ago? In all of my time reading stuff I've never been so emotional over it, TV Shows and movies sure but never reading until Adastra. Thank you both Howly and Haps for bringing such an incredibly well written and interesting story forward and I absolutely can't wait to see what more lies ahead. Keep it up at a reasonable pace!


Awesome finish to Ending A! Very sad that it is technically ending, but as someone said "Ever heard of too much of a good thing?"; so indeed, all good things must come to an end. Very much looking forward to the finished Ending B and Meeras input in all of this - which I have my own theories about. Nonetheless keep up the great work!


I’ll try my best to do my part on earth for you Amicus😢Hope to see you again in this spherical universe.Maybe in June:)


Wait there are two endings?? I saw one with mc heading to the European Commission Office. I somehow missed the whole part about Meera! How did you get to that


I've known about The Echo Project and Adastra for some time but never felt the desire to check it out. As such I finally decided to check out Adastra after Build 15 came out and... I'm so upset with myself that I've passed on the wonderful projects coming from your team! I've completed Ending A for Adastra, will work towards Ending B, and will then dive into Echo full-stop. Adastra captivated me and held me in its thrall for hours as I learned about all the characters and the beautiful world in which they live, and I practically -hunger- for more. I am so eagerly awaiting the second story in the Adastra canon and am both excited and anxious to dive into the world of Echo. Thank you all so much for the work you do!


Wow, what an ending. Even though I am devastated to see these two be separated for a long period of time, it brings me joy to know they will reunite and live a happy life together. This is by far one of the best visual novels I have ever read. I am so happy to have experienced this incredible story from the moment it started and ended. Thank you Howly and Haps for the amazing work you put into this visual novel. I cannot wait to see what Ending B will look like, and I DEFINITELY cannot wait until June to see what Adastra 2 has in store for us. <3


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for crafting this incredible and beautiful story for us. I can't wain to see what the world of Adastra has in store for us next!


Thank you so much for creating such a masterpiece of a story! I first encountered this game a few weeks after my ex-boyfriend dumped me, and it helped me get through some hard times. I always looked forward to updates to this game above anything else, and while I'm sad that it's finally come to an end, I'm happy to have experienced everything that it had to offer. Lovely characters, lovely story, lovely art... there are Hollywood blockbusters out there that made me less emotional than this! I can't wait to see what other things will be included within the Adastra universe; thank you for everything!


"We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving." - Friedrich Nietzsche


AAAAHHHHH finally... an ending ... an end to all our worries... it's been a wild ride that i'm sure we'll all remember. I loved this game and Amicus veeery much, and I dislike MC's bratty behaviour until the very end >:( . Nevertheless, I haven't encountered Meera you'll have to put a guide on how to get to ending B. Thanks as always and we'll be looking forward for the next update as well as the next Adastra game :D


What a journey, thank you howly for amazing times!


Wow, I can't even begin to describe how much I adore this vn. I started reading a little late, around update 8 or 9, but I've been hooked ever since. I'm really excited to see what else you do with this universe and even if you aren't making more adastra content I will continue to support you. It really helps me when I get depression lows to just have an update to look forward to reading so for that I can't thank you enough. Love all the work every one of you put into this and hope future works are just as amazing.


In the end, I still can't tell amicus I am here

David G

I will miss this game. Good thing that is a next and final update with an alternative ending. The game is giving us some light and joy after the dark and sadness that Echo and The Smoke Room is given us. But I enjoy the three games. Thanks for the hard work Echo Project’s team.


I think the requirement is that you have to pick all the negative options the Parents ask you, but still choose to submit to them (since choosing no there leads to a Game Over pretty fast). So, like, that you don't support Amicus leading and all that stuff.


Is any1 else getting a "to be continued" scene directly where the last build ended? Tried reloading at different spots and didn't seem to work..


Thanks for everything Howly and Haps. Cant wait to see where the Adastra story goes in the upcoming years. I'll be with you every step of the way


That's probably the point of the sequel/spinoff with Scippio they have planned. Since Amicus will be involved and I'm going to assume Neferu will be involved in that somehow, considering it's about going to the Khemian planet, but maybe i'm wrong there.


Answer negatively to all the Parents' questions, but still submit to them.


Dude pleas let the next game show bits of the MC time on earth. I want to see earths reaction to being told that furry aliens exist.


You might be on the alternate ending path, which won't be completed until next build. If you want to see the ending that is done currently, try starting a new save and just turn on the text skip. Answer "Infinity" when given the chance, and answer "Yes" when asked if Amicus would be capable of his duties as emperor.


I skipped the last update to read it together with this one. I'm kinda glad; both parts together was a nice way to end things. This has been wonderful. The story brought out many different emotions at different times, which is great. And the ending here was, I feel, just the right amount of bitter and sweet for where the story ended up. I really appreciate that vision of the possible future too; I choose to be hopeful and assume that is how things play out unless stated otherwise later. I must admit, there's a part of me that hoped the MC could come to forgive Alex for what he had done, and maybe they could be on better terms again even if not quite like they used to be. Then the cat tries to steal Amicus's ship to mess up their plans, and I'm like, "Nah, y'know what? Screw this guy." It's apparent that unfortunately Alexios is still an outright enemy to Amicus and the MC. Seemingly the whole of Alex's people may be their enemy as well for the most part, as long as they're following the will of the parents. That's certainly an unnerving thought. Cassius may get swept up in that and go along with Alex which makes me sad, because though he may act like a jerk at times I don't think he's all bad and I kinda like him. On the positive side of things, seeing where things ended up between the MC and Neferu was incredibly heartwarming. Non-romantic relationships are important too, and I'm glad that got a little of the spotlight here. The farewell Neferu gave was so sweet, I almost got tears in my eyes reading that part. Of course the love between the MC and Amicus is beautiful too. I don't know what to say about their farewell besides that it was handled just perfectly to me. Very sad, but sweet too, and with lots of hope for their futures. Very well done to Howly, and to Haps for helping convey the emotion even more with that multi-pose CG. I'm so glad to have had the pleasure of enjoying this story, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next for this universe. (And of course, I'm a little curious about that alternate ending next month!)


im really hope that amicus and marco can reunion and live as promised by my parents, maybe can be mentioned in Adastra 2 !! I really like this VN, especially Amicus!Thanks for making such a impressive story!


I legit thought my game was bugged since I was on the Meera route. Wasn't even aware there'll be two endings (when I downloaded the game I don't think the part of the post explaining the endings was there).


I have a question about the next Visual Novel set in the Adastra universe. Will there be another Human main character involved? I only ask because I love HumanxFurry type of interactions and stories. :)

Namine Ritsu

I'm more curious to see if Haps will return as the lead artist for everything in the Adarstra canon


Just finished the ending I was dreading for days! Still crying. When amicus broke down in tears that completely tore my heart in two. Him leaving definitely seemed like all of it was a dream. That everything I read was a dream. As for this meera being Idk who that is. All i got was someone named scipio which for some reason sounds familiar... Idk the meera ending. scared to find out honestly because idk if its a "bad" ending or a bad ending in process. As for alex that cat really is hanging on by a thread. Honestly if he doesnt change his ways no love lost. I was low key afraid he might of done something to the ship to sabotage their departure. Him saying he doesn't have a choice is bullshit. You have a choice everyone has a choice your just a scaredy cat. Virginia has an overall older sister vibe but step down from the high horse honey and dont trip on the way down my lord. Her slick insults sometime get to me. But in a way I love her as a sister for the MC. Neferu is everything haha. Before I got into this novel because i was finishing echo, I saw photos of neferu and thought "ooo he is cute!" I thought he was the main love potential or at least one of the love potential characters and i was gonna go for him completely haha. I hopefully will get to see the reuinion these two have after 8 years of being apart. Man it makes me so jealous the love these two have for each other. The way amicus talks, looks, and treats the MC is literally something you'll see in a fantasy. (hence here we are lol!) I can only hope lol Great work overall. Not sure if your planning on working on the smoke room while you draw up plans for "volume 2" of adastra if that's a possibility. But its time to focus on that and see how echo became the way it was and the story behind it.


You know, when I first saw the picture of Adastra (which I think I got from Blackgate a long time ago before it essentially went under), I was super skeptical since I thought it was going in a completely different direction. I should not have judged the picture at first, but, I'm so glad that I started playing it about half a year ago, because that was the deciding factor in being a patron. The writing for Echo and Adastra has been fantastic, despite how radically different they are. And I'll be diving into The Smoke Room next. Adastra definitely feels more like a kinetic novel, but, I don't even care. It's such a beautiful story with wonderful characters (both main and side), and it legitimately shocked me and made me cry at times. I can't wait to see what else we have in store. The writers, artists and coders need a pat on the back for all the great work they've done. Congratulations on this ending.


If the next game isn't about the MC integrating the humans into the glaxus I will be highly disappointed. Can we get some Idea what the next game will be about? The ending leaves lots of room for a sequel for earths story.


I loved it, no other way to describe it.


This is what's killing me. I need closure on everything that's going on, ahhh!

Akio aria

Ahhh... I’m crying and I love it ;-:

Wild Doggo Jackie

Amicus you big dumb wolf you made me cry like a baby. <3


I wish I can see the wedding between Amicus and the MC, after MC got back form the mission. It would be wonderful to see Amicus getting married in a Roman ceremony.


I too would love this. Personally I would like to see the next VN to be about the mc’s mission on earth then near the of the game once he is done with his mission I would love to see the mc and amicus reunited and get married.


Sadly, Howly and Haps already said the story of Amicus was ending here, so neither him nor Marco would be appearing in AdAstra 2. I really hope they have planned to go back to Amicus' story in a potential AdAstra 3, but so far it seems they won't be showing us what we wanted to see: the wedding. Sad :(


Actually the future vision shown by the parents in build 15 brought me more emotional impact than the ending did. Wish I could see their wedding. Despite very few flaw it has, Adastra is such a nice story, thank you for this journey.


At the end of build 16 after credits looks like a teaser for adastra 2 or whatever its going to be called.


Lost what I originally wrote but yeah, I would have to agree that the vision brought more emotions for me than the actual ending. Not that I am discounting what happened in the end, but rather the mention of the inevitable in the vision made it very heavy for me. Like, I felt very sad knowing that death would separate MC and Amicus again for a few decades before rejoining. Made me tear up for days. Hope to see more from you guys, especially the reunion of MC and Amicus. Perhaps an epilogue, maybe? Just to see what our MC did on Earth.


wish ya'll would do a Q&A so we can get some thing answered. I came to the conclusion that the next VN isn't going to take place on earth like I was hoping, but maybe we can get some sort of a hint weather we will see bits of the MC's mission on earth in the next game? It will be such a big miss of opportunity if we don't see the MC do whatever hes meant to do on earth imo.


That was beautifully done, felt everything that was going on. I'm truly happy, but sad about the story's end. I loved every update! I can only wish for some sort of continuation or a small epilogue knowing everything is going fantastic and seeing what MC has done for Earth.


So in the sense of drama if Amicus has that kind of authority that he could be so unquestioned to get democracy back to Adastra, it is reasonable to suspect in Adastra II the recurring character should be Cassius while Amicus and MC retire back to their countryside villa, with the help of triumvirates to bring back the "tradition". Then Cassius's son or Virginia's son somehow resembling Amicus maybe then takes up the position Amicus once had. But I doubt it, Cassius does not seem to be so popular among triumvirates. Yet Amicus is no Hadrian as well, he's too much a soft hearted, silly boy, but perhaps thats why hes so much more amicable among others/


Just, wow. this easily stands as the best VN i've ever played. Crazy to think about back when i first discovered it after playing Echo, and now we're finally at the end of the journey. This is probably the only vn that has made me cry lol. I dont think ill ever forget how I was feeling during the climax with Cato and the events following, that literally had so much effect on my mood at the time. Either way, fantastic work as always, and I'm excited to see what's in the future for adastra!


Make an anime already Furry anime's are really coming up at last!! I do hate it when they call a person a furry but still has human characteristics.


Dude I would donate like $500 to this if they made an anime

Devin Williams

I would throw all of my money at it at every opportunity. Can you imagine how beautiful and visceral Adastra could be if done by the studio that did Beastars?!

Devin Williams

I completely agree. I just finished it yesterday and I'm a complete mess. I've yet to find a VN that hits so many emotional points so eloquently like Adastra, and it's a beautiful mosaic of storytelling done perfectly.