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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fz1kynuforj7a6p/Adastra-15-win.zip/file 

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0h2fpmbcm7p8ldd/Adastra-15-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v1pwz6r0t8vzywz/Adastra-15-linux.tar.bz2/file 

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dkgkeervwjmrb9c/Adastra15-release.apk/file

In which you learn you're out of time.

With all new illustrations by Haps! You can find his Patreon HERE! 

If you find any typos or bugs, or have thoughts on the story in general, you can leave it in the comments and we can better polish the build for public release!






Yaaaassss, wait no android version 😦


Omg! Finaly 😍


We're is the Android version???????


The android versión always take more time.😭 I can't wait! Im going to play it all again on Pc😍


Oh ok will I guess will wait


Just read. And really looking forward to the happy end for Macro and Amicus.


When the PC returns to the room after the talk with Neferu in the baths the PC's name is where Amicus' should be during a line in their conversation.


Jeez, I'll have to wait for the Android version 😭


Already played on pc because i can't wait for android version. And i fucking love it😍 Waiting for the next update 😍 Thanks!!


Good thing I use my PC! Can't wait to see what is in store!!!!


hope they have a happy ending。


I love this update. Everything has gone just about as I'd hoped. I can't wait for the final update and whatever else Adastra has in store for us.


The android version cannot be installed.


The one problem I may have with this update is when the monitor shows the main character the future, he says "Power will shift from the imperial family as Amicus reforms the fabric of Adastran politics. You and your wolf will have more time with each other, and within one hundred years, the imperial family will formally relinquish it's hold on the moon" What is wrong with the idea of a constitutional monarchy instead? I know Amicus would like to spend more time with Marco, but I don't see Amicus and the rest of his family just forgetting the rest of their duties to their people. Why does everything have to end with a Republic? it just seems like the tired old mantra of "monarchy bad, republic good" to me. Apart from that, the rest of the update was good.


Android version is out yes


I like the idea, because monarchy is not bad, but fundamantally flawed. Even in a world where gods actually exist, the idea that someone is a good ruler because they were born in a certain family, is not sustainable. And there are enough stories, that tell you a republic is bad because of corrupt politicians or the stupidity of the populus. Like Star Wars Episode 1-3 or the news. ;)


It won't instal on android :(


Did for me you got the older version it won't install if you have the older version


Absolutely loved the update, and got really overwhelmed at the future scene :') . It feels like this could go many ways... like the parents could've been lying and more shit goes down after this, or you'd just end it happily ever after :D. which ever it is I'll look forward to it!


https://imgur.com/a/huEGwJ5 Two issues that I found in the text. First is "before before" Second it's not clear who is saying this. No label for name. Is it MC inner monologue or a spoken sentance since it has the end " but not the one at the start?


I feel like mc is gonna do something really dumb start of next build


I was able to download it on android and it was great!! A few typos but they have already been addressed in earlier comments. Keep up the great work


I was also able to download the new link and play from my old save no issue btw

Please don't let this perfect story end😥


This update stressed me out more than December's. Both paths have me suspicious of everything. Can't wait to see how you end it!


"Both paths"? I ran through all 12 possible permutations of the three choices from the monitor (oblivion v. infinity; yes, no, idk; yes, no), and all I got was either the main path or death. I'm very curious to know if I've missed something.


Rejecting the will of the parents is automatic game over. Make the "bad" choices again and accept their will. You get a different scene this update instead of the vision


To be honest, I really wish I can see more extra stories about their daily life after they go through all of this


There's a glitch (at least in the Android version) at the start of lovers day where there's double Amicus on screen. X3




Whoooaaa...yeah, definitely very interesting! Thank you for the assistance.


https://imgur.com/a/j9YlgKC The problem is the dialog have an error this sentence should be say by amicus but it become to me to said. so that i hope your can slove this problem change the perspective and the font color. at last thanks to your dedicate to create such a wonderful game and i hope they can have a good end.


wow...really look forward to the final. Find two different lines now.


Dang this hurt to play, time really is running out, well lets get to business first. Primarily I have an old issue I saw while playing but it might just be mine (started new games though) but on Lover's Day morning when Neferu walks into our room and talks to Amicus about the scheduled events a "second" Amicus sprite comes into the center of the screen. From the moment Amicus says "WHA---no" to our day being cancelled it pops in and stays until the center position is taken up in the next scene. As for normal mistakes; while outside thinking about our mission we say we had to leave the bedroom "I'd had to leave Amicus's room..." it should just be "I had", after we grimace at our new title from Amicus and plants a kiss on our face the word before is in that sentence twice "...before before pulling back and smiling at me", as we enjoy our night with Amicus while debating with him we start to move the conversation but he holds up a paw to speak but instead our name pops up in the next text box when he tells us to wait, after that Amicus talks about how Neferu got his balls kicked in and we say "I mean, the pharaoh's son" you need to identify Neferu in that sentence with something like "I mean, he's the pharaoh's son".


I swear, you've yet to qwell my doubt in the parents yet, leaving in some unnerving hints of something else. But adding in Meera which makes Dragon-Daddy uneasy makes me real suspicious...ya know...unless she's just here to reaffirm trust in the parents. Or maybe I just want to trust the Monitor for...reasons...or whatever XP


Amo la historia! Tanto que me eh echo un Patreon heh, habrá alguna posibilidad más adelante de tener una versión en español de Adastra?

I couldn't agree more! This story is unprecedented…😥


Totally random thought but the song thinking our loud came on just now and it sounded like the perfect song for amicus and mc. I feel like it is such a good representation of their relation ship, in amicus singing to mc. Possibly song they dance to at wedding :,3


You guys might have had a typo in line 2462 the first "endgame" scene "play sound "sfx/dooropen.ogg." remove the "." at the end of "ogg"


Not sure how the story will go. BUT you nailed the future scene the parents show the MC and the combined soundtrack (secondthoughts2) was awesome with it. I got real emotional. Really ......Thanks for that.