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In which you learn about fate.

As always, we have a new illustrations from Haps in this update. If you'd like to support him directly, you can find his Patreon here:https://www.patreon.com/Haps

Hope you all enjoy, and if you have any feedback please let us know in the comments. As always, thank you for all your support!




Fate sucks, I have to say.


Is Amicus wearing Ceasar's hairband around his neck?


Thats what i thought lol


Oh this picture ❤️❤️❤️


Refuses to install on OnePlus 7t


Oh no...... this promo art makes me anxsious .....


uh....so "that" is suppose to happen to MC right?


*screams of anguish*


Upsetti spaghetti


I had a similar issue in my 5t. I deleted the original version and tried again after. It sucked losing my saves, but at least it worked


Oh my stars, I am literally crying right now!!! This was for sure, w/o a doubt, an emotional rollercoaster. What will happen next? What will happen to the MC? What will happen to Amicus? Also, considering the last few updates along with Alexios’s attitude, would you have hurt/killed Alexios on the spot? A few more thoughts, remember this quote (not mine, obviously),.....”As one door closes another one opens”. I want to know more. Also if I were to get the “Patreon Pledge”, how does it work? Do I get a special email or what?




Hoo boy what a point for me to start this ride at.


I think the only thing that stopped the MC from turning Alex into a rug was the fact that he needed him in that moment. And if Amicus knew that he was essentially responsible for the MC's death, he probably would have pulverized Alex when he saw him in the palace.

Kilik Odagawa

I REALLY hate how good you are at cliffhangers.... 10/10


I just started this game three days ago with build 11 and now as soon as I got to the "To Be Continued" part I saw build 12 was released so I instantly continued. What a great moment to start this wonderful novel. The day of build 12 release is also the day the first full moon named Wolf Moon of 2020 happened as well, how fitting. Most of my free time in the past three days (and a huge lack of sleep) was spent on Adastra because this story, these characters, the universe building are just fantastic. I grew to love this wolf so damn much and I rarely feel any of these 'romantic' emotions for virtual characters, that's how to good writing is here. Sadly this feels like the story will end very soon which is a shame, I really don't want to let go of these characters (Amicus especially). There's so much potential for more story, possibly even a sequel at some point. During my time with the game I managed to find three issues and I compiled them here: https://imgur.com/a/UQUkdyd


Howly (The writer) has mentioned that there's gonna be some Adastra news this month. He has also mentioned before something about continuing the universe in a different story I think. This is a Discord link to the Adastra/Echo Discord if you wanted to join and discuss the VN with everyone (If you haven't joined it already) https://discordapp.com/invite/yrUNgXq


Well the fact that they made new sprites for Amicus and the end of this update revealed that Amicus and the MC have further roles to play makes it seem like we are gonna be having more adventures with Amicus at least


Ah, sad and happy


As much as I want to continue this VN I cant. Not until the final decision is made on the new art style. I cant put myself through that drastic of a change. So I will just have to wait until its ether decided on which art style gets into the game or wait until its fully complete. I do like the new style, but there are defiantly issues with it. the eyes, hips/thighs for one. With that said I just don't understand why not improve on the original sprites instead of making new ones. Like what was wrong with how Amicus looked originally? And It being so far into the game makes absolutely no since to do such a thing, but in the end its your game so its your decision. Just wish you done this way sooner instead of waiting till near the end. I'll love this game no matter the decision, but it wont mean I wont be disappointed. What would make up for it is some solid voice acting for this game, but I cant seem to get the creator to answer this. I know he or she is a busy person, but it would be nice to get some sort of response.


Thanks Kweap, I was not aware that there an official Discord. Joined now. I do hope the 'different story' means with our main character with Amicus in another location or something. Not with completely different characters :D


Poor MC, he can't get a break...


Great update, loving Adastra so far and tensely waiting for the next update! A couple of us in the Echo Project Discord were discussing Adastra and a topic came about that I thought would be worth sharing here. When MC is kidnapped, a lot of things are going on, and it would make sense for him to be experiencing shock. But when that all wears off, there's a mix of anxiety from being kidnapped, fear of the unknown and possibly never coming back to Earth, grief for potentially never seeing friends and family again, etc. But MC never really expresses any of these emotions very strongly, instead kind of just... rolling with the punches. Which makes sense, since he's an audience surrogate, but in turn we feel like we're never really sold on his NEED to get back home. He's distracted with everything going on in Adastra, but we felt it would be really impactful for there to be at least one moment in the story where MC is given a moment to really vent these feelings more explicitly, being more emotionally vulnerable, and doing so in front of Amicus could help establish their relationship and Amicus's desire for helping MC return. Perhaps even giving Amicus a moment to actually appreciate the full weight of the situation he's caused for MC? The only way we could think of to improve the VN was to make it seem like Marco cared more about what he had back on Earth, since we felt like he almost seemed to forget about it entirely by the back half of the VN. The few of us in the conversation agreed that it was our only real nitpick regarding the VN so far, and we do all love the story regardless of whether this would be present or not—by no means am I trying to say that this absolutely needs to be added or anything, but I'm curious as to what the rest of the community thinks about this.


Also I'm not trying to tear Adastra apart or anything. Some will disagree with the above stuff, obviously, but I still thought it would be worth bringing up here!


Seconding this. I love this VN to death but the MC's failure to react relatably to his predicament rea-a-lly damaged my sense of verisimilitude early-on. This is a gripe that was also spontaneously expressed to me by each of the 4-5 other people who I roped into playing it afterwards, so I know I'm not just crazy.


Personally I love everything about Adastra so far. So if I HAD to pick a thing to be improved it would indeed be adding a conversation that shows how much the MC wants to go back and why. What is he missing the most and stuff like that. The MC is not selling the whole idea of going back at all to me as a reader so I'm simply not buying some of the moments when he just says he wants to return home at some point.


Well, the MC has already expressed his desire to stay on Adastra with Amicus, and to at least let his family know what happened. It is already well established that MC wants to return home to let them know that he isn't dead at the very least, so I am not too bothered by it. Maybe a little reminder here and there would be nice, but any more than that and he is at risk of sounding like a broken record. He has been preoccupied with trying to save Amicus for the last several updates, so it isn't surprising that getting back to Earth kinda took a back seat to that. That being said, I was surprised that he didn't think about his family at all while he was dying or afterward in the afterlife. I felt that was rather odd, so it would be nice to the MC bring them up again. I just don't want it to become tiresome.


He's definitely preoccupied with everything going on, but bottling up those kinds of feelings is hard work, and probably wouldn't be viable for long periods of time. I think it wouldn't be too repetitive if it was just once or twice, closer to the start of the VN, and used to help further establish the B plot of his relationship with Amicus.


The story and its continuous engagement in multiple plots is absolutely amazing. This is the very first visual novel where I physically or emotionally recoil, hope, cringe (at character actions in line with others in it cringing themselves, of course), and genually feel sadness, or happiness! I hate/love cliff hangers and I can't wait for the next update! Truly remarkable.

Charos Villacho

Aw man, I haven't cried this hard. I can relate to Amicus on so many levels. ;_; Truly a remarkable cliffhanger I have to say.


This was incredible, I'm blown away. I've never been sucked into a story so fiercely and deeply!