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So we took all your critiques into consideration and discussed them with Tuler. He's worked very hard to create this style and we believe it is the right one for this project.

We're still working to finalize TJ's face and body, but we'd like to know what you think about this look. We asked him to add a few more serious facial expression to show what the characters might look like in a dire situation.

What do you all think?




Exactly how I'd expect a panicked lynx to look.

Sign Dhole

Tuler is really good at expressions and that's for sure, but on the downside I'm not sure how I feel about looking so fluffy/furry in comparison to the previous version. Personally I preferred him slimmer/leaner and with tidier fur. That said, it could just be a matter of being used to the old TJ and old style sprites. Tuler's expressions would really add a lot to the game. Like last time I'm still torn, but with these revisions I think giving Tuler a shot would be a good idea.


Indeed, TJ is quite slick in the previous version. In fact, though, he's a Canadian lynx, and is actually supposed to be very fluffy! It will be mentioned in the next demo.


Something about his face still odd.


The oddness you might be feeling is those massively thick eyebrows and the general "bro-ness" his facial structure seems to convey compared to the original artwork. The general discomfort of that is outweighed by the overall quality of facial expressions being offered though in my opinion so I am more in favor for Tuler being the new artist than I was before.

Dancing Mad

I went and did some editing in GIMP to the rough image from the last update and, oddly enough, it turned out looking very close to this revision. I think toning down the eyebrows helped a bit along with tweaking the smile in the base image. Honestly, I like the different facial expressions that we've seen so far, especially that off-put look from the top-right of this image. I can agree with you on incorporating Tuler's art and I'm excited to see some of these finished. It might be that you'll have to do like the Blackgate side and substitute in a sprite (or two) at a time to let everyone get a feel for it in-game.


I personally think that style will go well with the story, but agree the face does still need a little more work