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We have some unfortunate delay news, but thought we should share some of the game’s assets. Here we have the main menu art for The Smoke Room. Art is by the incredible Kardamon, whose Twitter you can find @LimeCardamon

So things have been a bit rocky with The Smoke Room. Unfortunately, we’re going to have to delay its release due to some issues with the story. It should be in the next month, but I’d rather not give a date again until we have a real solid one. I know this is disappointing, but being a brand new project, I want to be sure it’s done right, especially for the initial demo.

To hopefully make it up to you guys, I will be releasing another Adastra update for patrons on the same date we planned for TSR (the 31st), likely not as hefty as your usual Adastra update, but one that I’d like to be substantial enough to be worth downloading. Maybe we’ll call it update 9.5. It will have a few new scenes along with some minor edits for build 8 as well.

Sorry again guys, I really wanted to avoid delays going forward, but this one really was necessary. Hopefully you can look forward to Adastra in the meantime!



Kazma Cono

Delaying things like this is alright our lives and programming can be very unpredictable so if there's something going on take your time, clear your head and find new ways to solve the problems we'll wait for you


It's okay if the update is delay we understand it and take your time :)


... is that a new game ?


Take your time mate, new projects are usually rough like that. Definitely won't turn my head to new Adastra content


Nah man nah, you have it right, its your first build of a new project so it should be healthy and definitely should meet your ideal first demo. Delay if you must, for people like me, that just means its gonna be so much better...and besides...to get another Adastra update as "compensation" or whatever you call it, that's definitely an extra win, heck delay by a year if you must if it brings more Adastra LoL

North Grizz

That's fine. I don't want you bringing out something you're not happy with just to make a deadline. This is going to be the first we see of The Smoke Room so it has be perfect (for whole team not just the readers).


Take your time just means that it will be better than if it was just shot out day after day and didn't really have any changes or improvements


As everyone's saying, by all means take your time. If it means a better narrative experience at the end of the day, then there's no need to apologize. Playing Echo, Route 65, and looking at this project for awhile has convinced me of the love and care you put into your projects, so if you need to delay, there seems to be no reason to doubt your judgement. Thanks again for all the work you do and for creating these wonderful projects.


I prefer something delayed and done right over something rushed and sloppy every time; I'm not even the least bit upset. That mini Adastra update is a nice bonus though! I've really been wanting to see how an honest conversation between the MC and Cassius would go.


I love how this post has more likes than the post with the update itself. It shows just how much people care about Adastra and the team behind it. You have my respect and I bet not only mine.


I would think echo would b more in tune to the spirit. Still, appreciate the info!


thank you still trying to get through Adastra 0.8 again the first time was hard enough but I cant wait for more downloading the other VN,s right away too I hear nothing but good things.


Will the new update to Adastra be out by the end of the week?


when's the next public release of Adastra?