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Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/betsgge7l42n701/Adastra-8-release.apk/file

In which you learn to think for yourself.

This was a tough one, though I feel like I've been saying that about the past several updates. I suppose I feel there's a scene or two that could better flesh out the pacing and flow, but I'll look into that for the public build. I know you guys are tired of the delays! If there are any significant changes, I will be sure to let you know. As always, let us know what you think in the comments, and if you find any typos, you can also report those in the comments, or in our Discord server. Thanks so much for the support!

In this update we have new illustrations from Haps! If you enjoy his work, please consider supporting him at his own Patreon that you can find HERE

We also have a few new backgrounds from Blacksun whose work you can find HERE




That certainly isn't an ominous title... Excited to play it nonetheless!


Great!!! Keep up the good work my nibba

Joshua Hale

Sweet Lord, that's a ride.


Great segment! Personally I enjoyed the pacing and action of it. Can't wait for more!


I'm loving each update. Your visual novel is keeping me holding my breath. Keep up the good work. I love it!


It feels like the past couple of updates just seem to be building more and more suspense for the following situations that unfold and I can only imagine what's to come from the next update. Left me on the edge of my seat the whole time.


Okay, okay, bearings, direction, thoughts...I got nothing. I'm in utter shock and being swayed every which way, but I will say I didn't see any typos, or anything though that could be from shock. From worried, to speechless, to relief, heart-pounding heart skipping joy, to utter shock and fear. You really did it this time. My only concern is as you said stretching it out more, it went fast and the build was over so fast, but at least the delivery felt real or at least for me. I have no idea...I'm just...this is just overwhelming. I can't tell how this is going to work out, all I can see is making it to where we left off but that still leaves Amicus, I...I just don't see this ending easily


I will say I really am starting to love, adore, the first person illustrations that are being used. Haps is really good. I may have started in VNs like Morenatsu where the MC is actually in the scenes and we can see them except for a shaded out face, but I'm beginning to like this style more. It really cements my mentality of putting myself in the scene/illustration...especially in the new one 😘, and the music for that scene just wow, beautiful...light years apart never struck so hard in my gut


You stress me out like no one else, Howly. That cliffhanger was wild and I am already dreading that I gotta wait another month to find out what happens next. I will admit though, I am kinda confused as to why the MC went after Cassius since he seemed almost as unwilling in this as Amicus was. Unless the MC somehow knew that Cassius didn't have it set to lethal, but then that raises the question as to what he hoped to accomplish in the first place. I imagine that killing Cato would have at least temporarily solved their immediate problems, even if it created a bunch of new ones in the future. Still though, great update!


AAAAA OH SWEET LORD THIS WAS A DOOZY OF A RIDE. I'm very sad it had to turn out this way.. i certainly hope that Cato got his in that last bit, fuckin asshole.


Woo! This ride just keeps getting better and better. Act 2 sure did kick off with a bang.


How is this cliffhanger a million times worse than the last one?!?! And now we have to wait a month to see what happens??? You're killing me here, Howly, you are physically killing me. Look at what you've done.


I assume because if Cassius is dead, then there's no way for him to find a way to be Emperor later. If Cato is killed, then that would still be a possibility. And Cassius is the main concern overall. He's the one that's pro-slavery and overall just a pretty horrible person (Alex's opinion of him notwithstanding).


Great update. Brilliant. That dream, the transition, the interaction, the stress... it's really something. Love it. Also... Marco = Jesus.


You are making me crazy. So awesome update! Now just wait anouther month. AAAAAA :D


Omg THAT CLIFFHANGER... Story is going great so far tho~ Keep it up!


AWW MAN!!! This update was soo good. When that cliffhanger hit, I just let out a guttural scream.


Oh my god... I can't. Your concerns are missplaced, this is great! But ofc, it's your VN and I think I speak for everyone that this is one of the best VN's we've ever played! If you think you can do better, go for it! We'll love it either way :D The cliffhanger got me so hard, keep up the good work, I loved this update so much! <3

Raygun Draygun

Wow, yet again showing what an amazing piece of work this VN is. Writing is fantastic and well-paced for the scenes, and the the new illustrations conveyed so much love and passion! Keep it up guys, on the edge of my seat for the next update!

Алексей Кузнецов

And... to be honest, I really wanted to see Marco topping Amicus during sex. But eh, frot will also do




Aaaaaaah, this was too much! Every time I clicked I thought 'don't say to be continued, do not say to be continued!!!' I knew that damn cat couldn't be trusted! I'm so tempted to not read for a few months so that I have a big chunk to read but there's no way I have that kind of discipline! Bravo!


MY HEART, IT HURTS !!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH I just finished reading, and holy moly, i'm shaking in utter fear ! The tears for the first part, the " emotions" for the second part, and what to say about the third? Complete fear on how this will continue. NEVER had such expirience with a VN, you have an awsome talent in writing, and i can't wait for the next month...like, I'M SHAKING HERE COME ON! WHY WOULD YOU MAKE US SUFFER WITH SUCH CLIFFHANGERS!! AAAAAAHHH


If you dont mind me asking, when will the android build be coming out today?




It's 2 AM in my region. I did stay up to catch this update in fresh, and after my reading, I don't know if I can actually fell asleep. I mean dude, this is...just kinda heavy for me...LOL


I’ve played a lot of VNs.. and this is definitely my all time favorite, hands down. This story is fantastic!


Ahh! We should have used the Nervo on Cato instead!! Everything would have been so much easier!!


*V8 SPOILERS* To those who blame Alex now, all of this really doesn't prove anything. When MC said his behavior was weird, that was, in my eyes, meant for Alex comment about the doctor. He's litterally saying that something is off. Why would he do that, if he was traitor? He's really good at mindgames, so no way he made such a mistake. Also, for me it sounded more like Cato didn't knew about MC & Amicus, but was rather guessing. Either way recording devices exist, so even if he actually knew, it still proves nothing.

Pinemarten Avatar

*spoilers* I don't understand why nobody even tried to tell the truth. Isn't what Amicus did not particularly his fault? He just picked up an abandoned child race who had mysteriously uplifted, like it wasn't a "first contact". Why did nobody even try to explain? Really makes this update not click with me at all. The characters don't seem to be acting in rational ways at all and Amicus just gives up for seemingly no reason without arguing his position. Hell, MC knows enough about what's going on to explain himself but he doesn't even attempt to for some reason?


Si many think happened :0 It's just perfect !


It's not about the actual accusations. Cato acts like he isn't really interested in the truth. It's like he wants only Cassius as the Emperor. Everything else seems to be just an excuse to justify his position, so that Cassius does what he wants.


I have to agree with Swearwolf here, why did the main character tase Cassius and not go after Cato? Cato seems to be the main problem right in that situation. It's highly doubtful Cassius could muscle his way out of the situation once Cato was down for the count, again the MC's actions don't make much sense to me. I am curious as to Alex's behaviour towards the MC though, what was with his interrogative manner?


If I had to guess its cuz Cass was the first person he came up to, he'd have to pass him to get to Cato, probably thinking he might stop us from attack Cato. Kinda a one at a time scenario. As for Alex it simply seemed like he was full of suspicion, he's been rather questioning us constantly, trying to learn what he can, and if these "simians" can come back to life I'd like to know that too. Less suspicious questioning more inquisitive investigation is my opinion...still...he has other suspicious behavior too so I'm watching him


I'm feeling something i can't describe in words after this update, THIS WAS CRAZY!!. I cannot believe so many emotions hit me all at once during all these events. My Brain is still catching up of what i experienced. Can't wait for the next update!.


Can I just say that the music in this VN is phenomenal.


Let's face it, if your goal is to rule by proxy you obviously want a spineless puppet on the throne. Cato knows what he wants and uses any means necessary to get it. I don't like the guy, but I respect his tenacity and ruthlessness in pursuit of his agenda. That said, I really like the turn this VN has taken. It's almost a complete 180 from the happy-go-lucky frolic it started out as, but still manages to include some softer, happier moments, which makes the impact of the more serious parts even bigger. I eagerly await the next chapter to see what's in store.

Solitary Hyena

Amazing update! I just recently got into this...and I can't wait for more!


I was literally getting chills towards the end... what an unexpected turn of events. I always had my reservations about Cato but it kind of seems almost as if he might be playing the role of a puppet-master by trying to direct who should become the next emperor. I hate how we're gonna have to wait another month to see what happens next!


So goooooood. I was like... almost at the point of tears when the MC and Amicus reunited


Freakin AMAZING WORK!!!!! My gods... I really can’t wait for the next update.. Jesus. CLIFFHANGERS!!! Lol


Not spoiling anything, but I wonder how Neferu is going to react with MC popping into his room when they haven't told anybody about his return... Neferu will probably act like the pharoahs have risen like a mummy. "GREAT ANUBIS!? HOW EVEN-"


Fun fact: the animal Anubis is based on is more closely related to wolves than jackals.

Zesty Trey

Omg it broke my heart so much. 😭👍👏


I agree here as well. I was 100% certain it makes more sense to aim for Cato. Cassius isn't even physichally strong due to his condition and it looked to me Cassius wasn't really into the whole staging thing anyways. It seemed like just another way to put a rift between Cassius and Protag. I hope to see events continue to unfold and have it make sense in whole. Overall I love this story way too much it's going to be painful to wait a whole month for an update.


Great update! Main gripe is with the overuse of "he just kind of..." in narration-may need to rephrase that. At one point the MC narrates "relived" instead of "relieved."