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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/burtm0f11c25xb4/Echo-0.38-pc.zip/file

MAC: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5pjjeyk3s4nd9zk/Echo-0.38-mac.zip/file

LINUX: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pxxxk94n7u6ap2w/Echo-0.38-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: [TO BE ADDED]

Howdy folks, McSkinny here. Apologies for the sorta shorter than usual update. Having the different variations in how scenes play out due to choices made earlier means there is about as much content, just not as much in a single playthrough. However, we do have some good news: Stranj (our original CG artist who did the menu and quite a few of the older CGs) and Abyuse (our edgy music dude) are back from hiatus. Our next CG is gonna be a big one, and cost us over $750. I think you guys are gonna dig it. Also, more expressions! In fact, Leo's the only main cast member without 'em now. I've listed in the changelog all the new guys that have them if anyone is curious, since they don't all appear in-game in this update. Leo's expressions and new sprite will be ready by next update most-likely (thanks to our artist, Stardustpup, who designed Leo originally half a decade ago).

Change Log:

- Flynn Update

- Flynn full expression sprite set (he now has a tail, too!)

- TJ full expression sprite set

- Janice full expression sprite set

- Duke full expression sprite set

- Clint full expression sprite set

- Brian full expression sprite set




I just sat here for a while looking through the sprite sets and they are so wonderful, I love seeing these characters being brought to life so well! Great job to whoever handled them. I like the direction this new update is going and hope you're not teasing us with finally getting some answers to the craziness that goes on in Echo. Either way, keep up the great work!


This update really humanizes Flynn in a way that looking from outside doesn't. Being able to actually see how he functions and what fuels his thought process makes his motives and actions that much more understandable through his own justifications. That doesn't make him right, but it makes it easier to empathize with him and what he went through, and what he lost. Truly an amazing VN. Here I was a year ago praying for this to not be another Blackgate. Good fuckin job, guys. Honestly.


Bravo to you! I have to say when I first started reading this VN it was back when we were barely past the amusement park scene and oh how things have changed since then. I never expected at that point that Echo would be what it is today and I am happy to have been along for the journey thus far. I remember when I began I never liked Flynn and through the amazing story telling at play he's come to be my second favorite character. I'm probably in the minority here when I say it but I personally feel Flynn is a lot more justified than he's made out to be and I feel TJ is a baby who really needs to grow up. Amazing work as always and I am very excited to see the complete sprite set along with the completed game.


Was really upset didn't get the update last week, Flynn is my first route played and for spoilers sake I didn't want to do the others though I hear they're different compared to Flynn's. However, I am very interested to see how this wraps up, hopefully soon and satisfying cause I really like the characters and the updated sprites! Speaking of though, Flynn's emotions are not appearing for me. His new tail is which looks awesome but the other emotions are not showing up. Even went back to beginning and tried a skip playthrough to see and got nothin. Also, I have been interested in playing route 65 and the saves overlap one another between Echo and 65, something that's VERY worrisome for someone like me who makes saves at chapter beginnings for every playthrough for easier access. Other then that,marvelous work serously, I hope we get a sprite of those name drops from this latest chapter. :) ***Update 6/22/2019*** Oh my god! I couldn't take a wait so I went ahead and did TJ's route an finished it. Not spoiling anything, but dam you for making such good storytelling especially for someone who started with the current character's updates! My heart hurts, but now I got to know that this route has to have a happy ending considering how it contrasts TJ. And Flynn better get some due, I connected with him from the get go and if he doesn't... Gosh d*****!!!


it always bothered me that there was no tail on the flynn spirte xd


How do I get the updated spites? anyone know?