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Hey guys! Here's a quick update on what's happening this month:

Adastra build 0.5 will be released to the public on the 10th

Echo Flynn update will be released for patrons on the 19th

Adastra build 0.6 will be released for patrons on the 24th

Echo Flynn update will be released for the public on the 31st

Also, since the completion of TJ's route, serious work has begun on 1915 and we're looking to release the first demo this summer. Another announcement; the title 1915 has long been a temporary one. We've finally settled on the official title: The Smoke Room

We're also working on emotive sprites for Echo and hope to have that done very soon. We will begin implementing them as we make editing passes on the completed routes.

Also, because we now have more than one project in the works, we've decided to create a logo that will tie them all together, which you can see above. You'll be seeing it at the beginning of all of our visual novels.

Anyway, take care everyone, and thanks again so much for your support. It's made all of these projects possible !




Amazing, this is churning out to be a great month, congrats on all of your accomplishments so far and I hope for it to continue for ya ☺️


Ahh Tohariko's old sprite, nice. I hope they change his Morenatsu Homecoming sprite very soon.


as a birthday present can i get Adastra before the 24? ill be your best friend.

Hyou Vizer

TWO adastra updates?! awesome :D


Good, can't wait for the Adastra update! :)

Joey Morrow

who's gonna do the art for "The Smoke Room"?


Im curious why is there 2 build5 updates


Whew, just became a patron😏


It's fine, I know someone got pretty far in recreating just before Homecoming, all he did was flesh out some routes (never got to Tora of course) and even added a Ten route (mixed feelings on the art). What he was doing was awesome and I was loving it, even better didn't change the art style, it's a shame he cut that work