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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9dv8ex7cw9lu14f/Adastra-0.5-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cpoaa25ec2ykbt2/Adastra-0.5-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uqn54eh6aevc623/Adastra-0.5-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bz89lw9y6pw6yf9/Adastra_0.5-release.apk/file

In which you dance.

Hey guys, hope you're all doing well! This was a tough update for me, but I'm hoping that the story still flows well. Let me know what you think about the pacing and of course, if you find any errors/typos, let us know in the comments or on the Discord server!

In this update, we have two new illustrations from Haps! If you enjoy Haps' amazing art and would also like to support him, he has his own Patreon over here!: https://www.patreon.com/Haps




Is there an android version for this build? :)


I can't wait to get off work 😆

Alex Waff

I probably should give this a few months to get a bigger chunk to play through at once, but I can't resist.


Hey, do not question yourself too much, you've been doing great so why would that change?


Yikes! What a cliffhanger AAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Well that went well.


I enjoy the pacing so far, I don't think you have anything to worry about there. I'm interested to see how MC and Neferu develop a friendship/relationship. I was surprised by how MC seems to be shunning Neferu's offers for friendship, especially after the first trial. If I were MC, I would be actively pursuing a friendship with Neferu, considering that Neferu might be the only chance MC has of freedom should Cassius become emperor. I would think Neferu would have interesting things to say, and as one of the only 3 characters who knows of MC's intelligence, it would be refreshing to have an actual conversation with someone else. I started a notepad file of typos/grammar mistakes I have noticed in this update. I will work on it more and submit it when I'm finished.


Well, I'll say. The MC can be quite a brat at times. I think he needs to study more. The Lingua is like a godsend for language learners.


Do the choices make a meaningful difference at this point or are they just building toward future path breaks?


Wow...I'm actually...I feel terrified! Where's that Amicus bodypillow, we need it, I need it?


I agree with your points on Neferu. Pacing is great aswell!


I noticed some errors, honestly though, it was hard to concentrate through the embarrassment I felt during the dance so I hope someone else can get any there LoL; after the dance "So I guess I am pissed at Amicus in away..." the word away should be "a way", after the shower while talking with Amicus "I'm just as upset and disappointed as your..." the word your should be "you", while in his embrace "...making it feel as if I'm leaning a against..." just take out "a", while listening to Neferu and Alex "Would you like to joing..." just take the g out to be "join", after that "Neferu offers his arm to the cat, and just like they're off..." should probably add the word "that" between like and they're "just like that they're", while talking about the next trial on what Amicus will do with the information "I know have an idea..." it should be "I now have an idea of what style...". I must say his attempt at asking out was honestly very endearing, even though he didn't know exactly what he was doing...or did he ;P


Btw this must be dumb but im stuck on the whats your name thing on android. How to confirm your name again?


What I did was mess with the keyboard setting so you can see either "done" or "go" lol


I asked Skar our Android build guy, but all phones are different so we aren't too sure. He said "the keyboard auto pops up and you can enter your name and hit enter, if you made a mistake, you can hit back until it pops up again and clear it out with back space and re enter it"


What an emotional roller coaster i love it


yea it wasnt responding to enter, maybe something up with my keyboard. Thank you tho. managed to play it on my pc and i must say, most emotionally charged update yet, really wish it came out more often, keep up the good work


Will the choices matter later on, or are they simply there for flavor? I'd seriously like to know. Because it seems like I'm being forced down a route with Amicus, and shunning other characters like Alex and Neferu. 0.5 generally represents a half-way point, but right now, with no meaningful decisions, and nothing advancing the players relationship with other characters (minus Amicus), this update just makes it seem like a 0.0.5, honestly. I still love the game and the story so far, but I am worrying on whether or not this should've just been a short story, or a comic instead. It's lacking a lot of what similar games have, and if this really is a halfway point, it isn't one that makes me, as a fan and supporter, comfortable. I almost feel like I should be expecting a 0.11 or 0.12 at some point in the future instead. Though, the story is beginning to seem like it's coming to a close soon, since the plot seems to revolve around winning the trials and going home. Unless there is more planned, or the trials are planned to be padded out more. I by no means wish for anyone to take offense, but I would like to give my honest opinion, even if it ends up being ignored. So long as it's not taken negatively. To offer a constructive method of this "critique", I believe that if the intention is NOT to follow Amicus around eternally, and make him the players only option (meaning there are no options), there should be opportunities for the player to better get to know the other characters. We know that Alex is a friend, but how much time do we really spend with him to solidify that friendship? Most of it seems to be skipped. The best thing I could say to do is to finish up with the main plot, and when deciding on alternate endings with each individual character (IF that is a goal), look back on to possibly adding events at earlier points in the game where players can get better acquainted with the characters. If need be, alter some of the other events along the way to make them fit better. Spending more time with the other characters, and actually seeing that impact the dialogue would be absolutely amazing. It's not an easy job, but working on a project like this is not easy. The events wouldn't have a need for new art either. There are strong personalities in this game, it's just a shame to see them all go to waste as they mingle around the protagonist, always out of reach. if you read this, even if you are not a part of the project, thank you.


you know i do have the same exact nagging feeling that you did and just couldnt put it into words. Its a nicely written story but it needs a bit more fleshing out with different characters and world lore, i know this is hard to do especially for a small team. plus i will say the MC is a bit too inconsistent with his characterisation. Is he snarky, is he shy, is he smart and driven or does he let everyone just walk on him. and im sorry not matter what kind of gay you are, if a wolf like that wants to be intimate with you its hard to believe you would hesitate to take the opportunity


Firstly, thank you so much for reading all of that! I means a lot, and I greatly appreciate it. Onto my response. I agree with the characters obviously, but the lore has been very well paced, and I am certain there will be plenty of time for more lore to be introduced. I'm normally against exposition fests, but, considering the situation the player character is in, it is appropriate for characters to "preach" their history to the player. About the player character, I can understand what you mean by inconsistent, but I think it fits. People are complex, sure it isn't explored often in games like these, but we can express a large array of emotions. Considering the situation the player character is in, I'd like to think it makes sense that they may seem a bit inconsistent. They are far from home, surrounded by alien beings, and expected to act a role they are unfamiliar with. There are a lot of things going through their mind, I honestly wish the player character took longer to get use to the situation. Maybe if they elaborated more, rather than skipping through time, that may help. Also, not everyone is open acts of intimacy like that. I know i keep bringing up the situation, but it is very important to consider it. Things would not be so simple as "you're attractive, let's do it".


Seems to me that you want a more one dimensional character, nobody acts one way all the time under any and every circumstance lol, this way we get to see him develop as he reflects on the childish outbursts with internal dialogue. Also the last bit about 'no matter what kind of gay you are' is ignorant at best, just because you're interested personally doesn't mean everybody else is going to be...


please don't insult or berate anyone, I do not wish for my comment to generate hate or negativity. I am simply giving my opinion. In the end, we are all here because he want to support the content this creator makes. So let's do our best to respect the creator, and not fight. May you please edit your response?


negativity and criticism are a part of life my dude, I think he will be fine


First let me say that I’m not sure I completely understand your critique, but I’ll answer as best I can and you can let me know if I addressed the issues correctly. As of now, I am focusing on Amicus and his story, in the future there is certainly the possibility that there will be more stories with these characters, and I’ll likely post about that sometime this year. As for length, we’re currently in the first act of three, which might give you an idea of where the story currently is. As for the choices you’re making, they will have the most impact in the third act (with some minor changes in the text leading up to that). Anyway, hope that answered some of your concerns!


Firstly, I'd like to say thank you. You've certainly addressed a few of my concerns, the decision to not let choices have huge impacts until the 3rd act is a good one. It'd be near impossible to write a completely different outcome for each choice, branching off directly from the point the choice is made. It'd take too much work. I am curious how long these individual acts will be, but i suppose I'll have to wait and see. I, however, was not referring to completely new stories for other characters. That would imply basically just making a new game focused around the other characters. If Amicus is indeed the main character, it's still possible for the player character to go through his story AND get better acquainted with others in the cast. I was suggesting, after completion of this 1st act, going back and adding more dialogue where the protagonists gets time to actually know the other characters, rather than being told they know them. It wouldn't be too difficult to take out a few of the time-skips to come up with more dialogue. It would give players the opportunity to actually see their character befriend Alex, for example, instead of us just being told we are friends now. Also, if this story is completely for Amicus, would I be right to assume that he's the only character the player character is allowed to be interested in?


Well, first, 0.5 is not a percentage, it's version, if I understand correctly. That means it can be 0.1, 0.10 or 0.100.(Which usually indicates minor update) You could investigate that, it's common knowledge. Second, I like how it's going, I'm happy with only Amicus's route, I'm really interested in story, it would be unfortunate if we would have to wait a few routes without progressing the story. It seems to me that the main goal of the game to tell the story of Amicus and Marco, and other routes would be a bonus. Though Neferu seems interesting to me. I like how he acts. I wonder if Cassius might be an option... I'm really happy with the game, it brings me much joy and I'm impatiently waiting continuation.


uh, how is he gonna study another language if the language is translated automatically?


Yes, it would be cool if we had some time to talk to Neferu too. Maybe he seems like a brat at the suface, but I think he's actually a great and smart guy.


I do have a question for Howly. Why doesn't the main protagonist ask Alex if there is something going on between Alex and Cassius after his dance with Cassius? especially considering during the dance, he notices Cassius moving his hand towards Alex crotch. Wouldn't he be curious to ask Alex if Cassius has feelings for him? I know the dance is meant to have some intimacy but seemed more intimate than usual.


I love how the story goes and what a way to leave it in this chapter. I am very happy to become a patron. As for the protagonist, I try to empathize or imagine myself in his place and then I say: If I have been away from my planet for more than a week I would be practically crying every day thinking of my family or friends. Unless the relationship with them is distant or simply very bad, which leaves much to my imagination as to the feeling of the protagonist missing his family or friends. Leaving aside this point of view of mine. I enjoy every word I read of this work and I hope to see it evolve to your liking and at the same time that you as a creator love it as it grows. As they say there "Rome was not built in a day". I say goodbye for today and my best wishes from Chile! PS: I knew this work thanks to the youtuber Naokycooper


The story is good although the main characters reactions for a few things make me feel... wrong. But I suppose that's just how the main character is, I would have done things way differently then the MC. I have a few theories too, the voices the MC dreams about are actually the gods, although that may seem obvious I have a freinds who played through this with me and didn't even piece it together. Second theory is towards the end of this update when Cassius is in Amicus's room he wasn't looking for anything but more likely placing a bug in his room to listen in on his debate preparation. Third theory is about Neferu and how he is attracted to the MC perhaps he even knows of some connection to Earth. Anyway that's all I've got for now but this game has me screaming, I have so many physical reactions to everything its quite thrilling. Love the game looking wayyyy forward to any updates.


Absolutely no complaints about the pacing! I'm genuinely dying of embarrassment after that dance; I'm not sure I've ever felt such vivid shame-by-proxy over something a VN's main character went through. Also, given that the MC seems reasonably clever, I can't help but wonder when he'll realise that a) Cassius almost certainly put a listening device in their room to cheat at the next trial; and b) Amicus is far, far too over-confident for the MC himself to leave his fate to something so precarious as Amicus winning against his cunning, highly-motivated older brother who has more practice at swaying people in public speeches…


*becomes patron, to read the story early, even if it's a few days before the public build comes out* *becomes immediately impatient and wants the next update* However, this was a great update and I can't wait to see where it leads.