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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nmnuz8eatqz0dpm/Adastra-0.4-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/zceb7ru1abi8yo3/Adastra-0.4-mac.zip/file

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xvz5557b996b8zb/Adastra04-release.apk/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/67dyzq04gl1fl2x/Adastra-0.4-linux.tar.bz2/file

Hey guys! Sorry again about that delay. In this next update, we have new illustrations from Haps along with some new backgrounds from Blacksundi.

Do let me know what you guys think. I struggled a lot with some of these scenes, but I really wanted to get this out today, so there may be a few more typos/mistakes than usual. Just let me know in the comments or on our Discord server so that we can polish up the public release!

Keep in mind that if you haven't played the public version of 0.3, your save may not work because I changed a few labels in the script (hopefully this is the only time we'll have this issue). Remember that you can skip all text by going into options and clicking "unseen text" under the "skip" section. This will allow you to get through the game fairly quickly to where you last were.

Thanks so much for the support!




Zesty Trey

Glad to see you back. Cant wait to play this when I have the chance. 😀

Alexander Lukas Bryant

Glad to see that everything is okay. I can't wait to sink my teeth into this update tomorrow after work. >^.^


oh my, oh my! things are getting spicy! I may need an Amicus body pillow at some point, he's too damn cute ❤️


I'm glad to see you are making things work, I hope those issues aren't/weren't too bad. I will be playing after I get home from work but now I've got something to look forward to other than getting off work. It's not a long way in and I love the theme so much I don't mind doing a repeat if saves don't work 😘😍


My thoughts exactly, you've got a great idea... something that plushie 😘


Just finished the new patch and just wanted to let you know about a couple typos here and there. I noticed a few in the gardens scene, and one each in the bath and final scene. It throws me off a little when reading through the dialog. I also purposely kept descriptions vague as to not come close to any spoiler-y stuff, sorry if that makes it harder to find. I hope this isn't taken as an insult and/or the wrong way - I just really enjoy the way Adastra has unfolded so far and hope to help others enjoy it as well! Can't wait to continue reading!


i LOVED it. There were a few typos, but I send the line numbers and noticed a few others did so as well


fuckin oath it just gets better with every update lol, thank you!!!


Loving the story so far. The characterization of the wolves is great, especially amicus. But it may be just me projecting onto the protagonist a bit, he seems a bit inconsistent. Like the whole thing with the nudity, if he got that it was acceptable in the culture he is in why is he still so bashful. Sometimes he is stout, other times like now he seems weak. I dunno just some thoughts. The flushing out of lore and thr political system is on point though, would much like to see more of that

Big Gay Monster

I'm so stoked, really want to play this one, but can you upload the linux version? <3


It seems like the android version of Adastra is broken, everytime I try opening the app it goes to a black screen and it closes the app and I've tried downloading it on a different device and it happened on that one too so I know it's just not my phone.


I’ll ask Skar about that (he creates our android builds) and get back to you.


It works now. Awesome job as always!


Playing it a second time allowed me to notice some corrections but they're pretty minor; after hitting Amicus with the device on his ship the line goes "...far more confident in my work than Amicus ever should have..." it says in rather than on but I'm unsure as it seems to work for both words, when Cato first sees us he asks about us "...and that's where you took your father's ships..." it says where and I guess it should be why, at breakfast when Cassius talks about us "He's talking about me like I'm like I'm..." like I'm is in there twice, while in the garden with Alexios "Just try to remember that..." the word that is in there twice, on the beach while talking about Cassius "...admiring me when were younger..." were should have a we before it for ...we were younger, in the amphitheater after the punishment "I set a hand on the Amicus's back..." the word the should be removed to just set a hand on Amicus, when Cassius gives the order "I know immediately that..." the word that is in there twice, being in the garden with the three and the moment of silence sentence has neferu without a capital N, when Virginia talks to Cassius about the emperorship "...you and Amicus are both my brother..." I'm guessing brother should be plural with an s, talking with Amicus after the gardens about the city "Can I can plan..." too many uses of can so removing it would fix it, when using the word for our species there's two different spellings like during the massage its Simanian and in the bath its Simian so I'm not sure which is suppose to be used, in the bath talking about the stretchdrive "Well that rather..." the word that should be that's, in the discussion with Neferu "What are talking about..." should be What are you talking about, in the heated argument "Amicus seems to take some interest in what Amicus..." Amicus's name appears twice when one should probably be Neferu's, after the incident when Amicus pushes Neferu the conversation starts with Amicus's name when Neferu is the one talking. That pretty much covers everything after I replayed the whole game, doing so really reminded me how much I love the theme, always been a dream of mine and almost exactly scene for scene. Also, that ending.....wow.....! Though my heart fluttered while dancing, caught between the music with the story and well Amicus...he's just...great


Hey by any chance is there a way to avoid resetting the game with each update?


Dang, what a cliffhanger! I'm so excited for the next update!


Something weird happened at the website, tried to get me to download a program. May want to use Google Drive or something else to give the file next time.


Ok now it says it'll take two hours to download which never happened before. Am I the only one running into this problem?


What are the next up day game for adastra.


so when is the next update? this novel is like drugs. also i feel as if i figured out 3 ways the story could end but all 3 scare me, never the less thank u for this addicting habit forming book. lol


Just found this VN and i have to say that i am absolutely in love! You are doing amazing work.


Interesting update, while Amicus is nice enough and rocks the the bod, I must say Neferu has a level of respect that makes it difficult to decide who is better boyfriend material. It seems like a layup to choose between Caesar or Gramsci, with the added bit of if you like bodybuilders or powerlifters. Also I wanted to scream my own political opinion so bad at them, haha, good job on the politics.

Alex Waff

Why am I sitting here thinking of ways this could develop, and all of them are bittersweet. Newest idea is that eventually Amicus gets a proposition for a political marriage with Neferu, and while he would like not to because of you, he is attracted to Neferu and marrying him is exactly what he needs, a bit of what he wants, and possibly the only way to get you home in the foreseeable future. You encourage him, despite your feelings, for the better of everyone. Then they bring you back home, and everybody moves on.


it could happen but I think we will get a different ending because being gay is looked down upon in Amicus's culture and he is going to be emperor. We still don't know what will happen if you choose to reject Neferu. Also Neferu could still be a romance option for the mc.


Or maybe the MC Will get married at the end. Lol Who knows once Amicus is emperor. He can do whatever he wants. Including getting you back or marriage. I hope we get a good ending. There is probably going to be a good and bad ending depending on what you choose.


I think they've done a great job with how few updates there has been, but I guess we'll see where they want to take this in the end. Honestly, the way things are going it seems like the MC and Amicus are headed for the loveboat express, but I can't help but feel it would be a kind of toxic co-dependent relationship. What I'm kind of hoping for, I suppose, is to have a way to play a more direct role in the politics, rather than just being an observer.


Really enjoy it. I like the way it's developing. Character personalities seem great. The plot and politics develop steadily. And those "tricky" situations are a lot of fun. Can't wait until next update. Thanks for your passionate work!

Zesty Trey

I feel as though that dance that the MC and Amicus does foreshadows a possible ending.


I really really really love this update! We get so much depth and it has only further invested me in the story! I am left wishing that I had a little more influence though (***Next sentence is a spoiler***), I kept wanting to interject during the baths scene. I understand that you were going to work on overarching story before adding more player choice, do you have any insight you could give us on choices? Like how many will the player get, how much influence they have etc? I don't know your opinion on this, but I enjoy having choices even if they aren't impactful to the story in the long run!


glad to become a patreon to know how the story goes! keep going on howly, this is the best vn i play since a long time :D