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You've arrived at the palace, your new home for the foreseeable future. You'd rather be back on Earth, but that's currently impossible. Things are quiet for now, so why not get to know everyone?

We've got a whole bunch of new art from our sprite artist Haps (who also did the lovely promo art above) and our background artist Blacksun.  We hope you enjoy, and let us know what you think in the comments!




Thank you so much i can't wait to play it right now!


EEEE It's out!!!

Emmanuel Greene

i have completed it, and now i have to wait again :(


I like the character's sprite in this novel and the writing feels very natural too. Can't wait for the next update~. Also, I really hope that it could have good endings cause Leo's endings in Echo embitter me for days :(.


Yes, more nightmare spider encounters is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks, Howly!


I was all set to have sympathy for Cassius because, to be honest, Amicus seems like he'd be a pretty incompetent emperor. But... yeah, not so much anymore.


Alexios has only just been introduced and I've already fallen in love with him, looking forward to seeing more of the precious grapekitty in the next build!

Alexander Lukas Bryant

I wonder if it's going to turn out that each of the different sibling? races had a hand in attempting to uplift humanity and that is how so many different ancient civilizations sprung up through out Earth's history.


Or it was attempted by the parents directly. Alexios is pretty clearly Greek, perhaps the other siblings will turn out Mesopotamian or Mayan or Chinese or something...

Alexander Lukas Bryant

Can't wait to see what civ the khemian represents. Do you think that voice the protagonist hears is one of the parents?


I'm not a pro here but i'd rethink that. I think some more meaningless choices wouldn't hurt. I'd hold a poll at least or ask around. But from the look of things i don't seem to be the only one minding the lack of choice. Still gonna play it anyway, if anything just for the amicus route xD Idk if i'll like the later ones too.

Hyou Vizer

Moobies - i don't want meaningless choices, i thought greatly emphasize that my first comment but apparently the developer thought otherwise lol. I'd much have choices affect the narrative, just wanted more than one per update if at all


Values do not change in the face of sound reasoning, what happens is the powers that be eventually die and a new generation assumes power holding a different set of values as self-evident. So what values will those be in Adastra? I think it's obvious we're more sympathetic with Amicus, but we're just a bunch of uplift failures...right?


I'm guessing Khemians would be Ancient Egypt, just from the name.


If this does come true, I'm honestly hoping to see if the Mayans make an appearance since their civilization was the one who disappeared without a trace...


It looks interesting, dude, really!)))


Man, I loved this VN so far. Personally, I think the writing is good enough that you really don't need to add choices Howly, Echo was like that for me as well. Also, huge props to you for writing the main character how you have so far, he feels very pro-active when it comes to events and I love how he's not afraid to stand up for himself, unlike most other VN protagonists I've seen in the past. I hope you keep writing him like this, because this is such a nice change of pace.