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PC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/re23f53robifnbi/Echo-0.31-Flynn-pc.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v98ar8vzvf7fl0c/Echo-0.31-Flynn-mac.zip/file

Howdy folks! This update has about the same amount of content as others, though it features a branch split with two rather different scenarios. Feel free to check them both out and let us know what you think before the public release at the end of this month. This update also includes some new art by TomJyo, whose fantastic painterly style makes his work stand out quite a bit.

Change Logs:

-Flynn update

-New art




Thank you for your impeccable timing, I was having a very shitty week.


I really liked the update :3 I think the best moments are when the group all interact together :D


Looking forward to playing through this later. I really wish you would have an alternative to mediafire for the downloads though, I hate that site with a passion. (Small inconvenience though for a great product)

North Grizz

That was a great update. Yes, I did both options and forced myself to talk to Daxton and not see more shirtless Leo. They're both very interesting, one in that Daxton seems to be experiencing weird Echoness, so it seems that just being there is enough for that the happen. The other having Leo being honest and very different to how he (was it really Leo though?) was acting a couple of days before. Also, after talking to Leo, I found there's even more to like about him! It was good to see Tom's art in there as well. I like the fact that McSkinny has finally revealed what the voicemail from Route 65 was.


i really liked this update. it revealed alot. however will this update with the 2 different options affect the future routes? or is it a 1 off deal? either way still nice.


Wow, that was more than worth waiting for, although this route is breaking my heart. So sad.