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Hey guys! Just wanted to share with you the vision we have for this project's direction over the next few months.

So first, this month: I've decided to focus mainly on Leo's route this time around and I'm going to put out an update that's much larger than usual to compensate for just having one this month.

Next month, I will focus mainly on Carl and I will actually try to reach a conclusion for at least one of the paths. Along with the large Carl update at the end of next month, Jenna will also receive another update on the 16th of that month.

Looking toward the spring, we will hold a vote for the next route to get regular updates once Carl's route has concluded. We will also release the Route 65 prequel VN for the lower tiers.

Finally, below is some concept art for a character in an upcoming VN. We wanted to collect the majority of the assets, along with finish most of of the writing for Echo, before starting on this project, so you wont see him for a little while. We can say that it will also revolve around the town of Echo, just in a much earlier time period. It will also feature sprite and CG art by Orang3. We'll let you guys know more in the summer time!

Anyway, thanks again for all of your support. I'm blown away by the enthusiasm people have for this project, even now, over two years in. Take care, and I hope you enjoy the next update!



He looks so handsome :) good job so far!


It's nice to see you have plans for the universe beyond Echo.


agreed with Aaron, you and your team are absolutely knocking this vn out of the park, and I'm heavily looking forward to what you do after this.


I’m looking forward to your next project,


Aww.. I dont want Echo to end :( Glad to know your next project is gonna be about the town as well tho.


I'm stocked as a goat about the next project, even though I'm sad that this one is coming to an end. Keep up the good work anyway !


Omg yes


Hes quite handsome ill say. Looks like a 40ish time period.