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Just waiting on one last quote from a local printer before I send it out! I’m so sorry it’s running MUCH later this year than previous years. I use to be able to shoot a lot of my content at various cons throughout the year but due to my set work I haven’t been able to go to as many cons as I use to so I would have to find or wait for photographers to end up in ATL.

If all goes well I hope to start mailing them out to you late Nov/early December. I will also be opening my store around that time fo anyone that wants to get a calendar or some prints. I won’t have a ton of extra calendars so it’s best to order when I open my store. Which I will announce here first!

Next year I’m hoping to get a jump on the 2021 calendar, so this doesn’t happen again, so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them, could be costumes I have that you would like to see in calendars or extra perks you think would be cool. Do you like location stuff or prefer studio stuff?

Thank you so much for your patience! It’s pretty much just me doing all the online store stuff, including making costume, social media, organizing shoots, talking with cons/promoters and more... not to mention working 60+ hours a week on set, trying to do my laundry and other life maintenance.. just trying to Do my best 🥰



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