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Sorry wrote these on my phone in a note pad on the plan.


Any funny stories from working on Marvel Films


Good question! I thought would this for a good 5 min. Some of the stuff I can discuss yet.

If you ever see me at a con come and ask me ;D


Least favourite part of Doing cons


I LOVE doing cons, and I never want to take it for granted, but like with anything you can have the good without the bad. So One of least favourite is the When con doesn’t uphold their part of the signed contract. Which then causes me to make things more difficult for me during the weekend or so I have to confront them or chase them around at the end of the con. For example, One convention I had brought my mom out to as a vacation, and the convention had kind of taken advantage of me throughout the weekend, other cosplay guests had “stole” my table (and the con didn’t do anything). A bunch of things like that happened but the icing was at end of the weekend I had planned a nice dinner for my mom and a show and I ended spending 4 hours after the con ended trying to get reimbursed, that I ended up missing my dinner reservations and almost missing the show.


Any Twitch or YouTube plans


Short answer: my computer isn’t up to the challenge

Long answer: a few years back I saved to upgrade my laptop to something I under the impression would be able to support doing twitch and video editing. I had constant issues, the biggest being with the video card, between my work schedule and Lenovo giving me the run around, my warranty on it eventually ran out and now I’m stuck with it.

Eventually I’ll save for a new laptop (which is easier for me due to space and cause of travel) who knows maybe in few years I’ll have room to do a desktop.

Love to be part of video project, where I just need to show up cause doing videos (with planning, editing, etc) is a ton of work, and I have very little free time as it is between film work, cosplay work and any other project I have going on.

You never know though! Haha

QUESTION: Is patreon as much as work as you thought? Is it rewarding.

ANSWER: l I think the fact I was upfront about is being essentially the same content as IG really helped and the fact you guys still appreciate and comment. I love the interaction! It does make me want to create more content to share with you guys or try to do something special but not exclusive to people who are pledging. Which is why anyone who does subscribe to my Patreon, I tried to answer your question first.


Least favourite costume I’ve made?


A lot of the time my least favourite costume (once it’s done) is one that I don’t think I look as good in vs the amount of time I put into it. Also if it’s uncomfortable.


Secret to my mesmerizing smile.


Telling myself a dirty joke


favourite music to be productive to.


I work better to TV shows and movies. Nothing TO Interesting that I’ll get distracted but just interesting enough for me to listen to. When I do work to music it varies between; Yoko Kanno, RPG OSTs, Kpop, New wave or disco. :)


my dream costume


Just on principle now.. My version of Priss’ bubblegum crisis hard suit.


If I could have Coffee or Tea with any 4 people alive or dead.


David Attenborough

Anthony Bourdain

Let me get back to you on the other two!



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