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Sorry been so quiet! The last two weeks I moved from being on set, to being in the shop to building a specialty suit for a show. It was pretty intense though, the last week I was only getting 3-4 hours sleep a night to make the tight deadline but happy with how it turned out.  I can't tell you anything about it but when it does come out it I'll make sure to tell you!  Now I'm out of the shop and back on Set!

I guess for those of you who don't know... (I just assume everyone does now). While Cosplay is a full time job for me, its not my full time job. I juggle cosplay with working in the Film & TV world. Since Georgia got the film incentives, the last couple years, I've been working fairly steady as a specialty costumer on Marvel films. Though I have done regular costuming as well, but specialty is my first love. Now I don't WORK for Marvel, for instance when they started shooting Infinity War, a company who made some of the key pieces, Legacy Effects, hired me to work as part of a small team to dress the actors in those pieces. Or on other productions I am hired as a Local union worker to work in the costume department, either doing regular costuming or specialty (Since I have experience with that)

You can see my current IMDB credits here

So that is pretty much the ONLY reason I have cancelled a couple conventions that last couple years because my supervisor wasn't able to give me the time off... which I always feel terrible about. Moving forward I will probably try to coordinate coming to a con on Sat/Sun, this way I won't have to take a day off and can still make it to a con.

While I'm not the best at all the skills, its because of cosplay I got these jobs and have been able to learn more with each project, be it in a shop or on set. I am a big advocate of promoting using cosplay as a stepping stone towards another job. I know when I'm 65, I wouldn't want to be wearing a thong in high heel at a convention table, relying on sales to pay for my life..  I'm sure you wouldn't want to buy prints of a 70+ year old cosplayer.. unless I cosplaying Granny Goodness. I'm all for people cosplaying for as long as they want and who they want, RIDE THE WAVE..  but always have a backup plan :)

Anyways I have an early call time.. 5AM! So I gotta be up at 3:30 am to get ready and have time to drive :)

Thank you everyone who has ordered prints!




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