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  • Ridd1e_NYCC Announce Vid_Poision Ivy_Twitter & FB.mp4



So, I am often approached to advertise this and that, like Skinny tea.. I can poop on my own thank you very much! I have a pretty firm rule in my mind that unless its something I would buy or use with my own money I am not interested in promoting it. Some of the people I follow promote anything and everything and so its hard for me to take their word on how good the actual product is, so I want you to know if I am promoting something its genuine.. that's SO important to me. Which is why you don't see me promoting much and if I do its something I probably bought.

So a few weeks back I got approached by WB games to do something with them, do like DC and I do enjoy the LEGO games. They asked me if I wanted to create costume for one of the characters in the new LEGO Super Villians game and appear at NYCC, at first I had to turn it down cause of work schedule but they were super flexible and said I only needed to be there Saturday. This was great, it would give me a chance to work with a cool company AND get out to see some of you at NYCC.

From the list they sent me, given the amount of time I had I decided to make Poison Ivy. Unfortunately classic Harley wasn't on there, she would have been my first pick :P

As part of the package they asked if I could do a video inviting all the supervillians out for a meet up and photoshoot on Saturday that I will be apart of... So here it is..

Keep in mind, I won't be signing at the DC booth, but I have two other locations I will be at through Saturday/Sunday you can find me and I'll have some prints and calendars. I'll post more on that here closer to the date.  

Some of you might notice in the previous pictures I posted I had curly hair and glasses on.. well I did that one on Thursday night, sent them the video, they got back to me Saturday afternoon that they wanted edits. Only way I could do edits, was to reshoot the whole thing  and I only had saturday night to do the video and I had a 12 hour shift at work plus the hour to get there and back, and I worked again early the next morning. So I asked them to write me up a quick script so there was no way I could mess it up and I could do it when I got home.. by the time I got home it was 9pm and after I put my makeup on, I didn't have time to curl my hair.. and my glasses were creating to much of a glare.

I think I prefer the curly hair... but between my makeup and hair that takes me like 2 hours. So I opted for the much faster.. makeup and straight hair.. which was a cool 1.5 hours and less burnt fingertips.

That was a long post!

Also a little insight.. I like doing interviews, but  doing 'scripted' (where you need to get a message across) videos give me so much anxiety >.<


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