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This week's archive post is of previously unreleased images.  Images that, for one reason or another I decided not to release or in some cases, finish.

1. Afternoon Delight - Megan and Laurie having a little tryst in their back yard.  While I liked the idea of it and the way it turned out, who would have a small little building like that in their backyard and make out on the porch of it?  These are basically beach changing shacks.  Still, I hope you like it.

2. {removed}

3. Pool of Tears - You know those small pools of water you often see in a forest?  This imagines that they are formed by naughty fairies crying after being spanked.  This was one such image.  I had intended to make a series of this kind of thing with spanked fairies and sprites but changed my mind, so this one image has just been languishing in the folder for a while.

4.  An image from an unfinished series called Sleepover Hijinks - two friends get in trouble while having a sleepover and are spanked together over the end of the bed. I didn't finish the series, and in fact this is the only render I did.  I decided to not go further with it because I was starting to focus more on game development.

5. {removed}




1) Perhaps its TARDIS type of house - much bigger inside than outside :D 2) Non-grainy version would look great, although those black panties look a bit weird when placed like that. 3) Tinker Bell didnt mention this side fairy life :D 4) Excellent picture with huge potential. 5) You could have imagined tying her facing the tree and spanking her :D


1. No, it's a tiny little shed. 2. If I had decided to continue with the picture I would have rendered a better version. I'm not even sure if I ran the render the whole time or not. 3. Tinker Bell isn't much of a talker. :) 4. Thanks 5. True, but in this particular fantasy an exposed pussy was the goal. :)