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I'm already hard at work knocking out the TO DO list for the next build.

Here are some of the things that it will contain :

  • Three new maps
  • A follow up image to the sleepover
  • New spanking scenes (at least two - possibly more)
  • Code for Days of the Week and Weekends
  • Wardrobe changes for Callie
  • The "Dare Club"

Fortunately I have not received very many bug reports from this build, and the mechanics seem to be working the way I want them to for the most part (spanking severity still needs some tweaking) so that should free up my development time for new content.




That "Dare Club" sounds very interesting! Unfortunately, I did not have time to play B03 or B03A yet, so I am not sure about bugs there :D


If anybody can find a bug, I'm sure it's you. :) Though I'm pretty sure the major stuff has been covered. But don't go looking in B03, just B03A so you're not sending bugs that have already been reported. Yeah, the "Dare Club" will result in plenty of red bottoms for Callie, and some other girls too., But I'm not saying anything about it just yet.