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I am pleased to announce that You Bet Your Ass v 0.2 beta is now ready for your game playing enjoyment!  This version features two new games of chance, new levels to the maze, and more prize chests, along with updated graphics and new hidden items.

The Extended Spanking Scenes (phase 1) have been implemented.

I have added a Mac and Linux version for download.  I look forward to hearing whether these versions work, and how well, since I don't have Linux and Mac hardware to play it on.

Known Issues : 

* The Merciless Roaming Spankers are still being temperamental when spotting the player.  This is my top priority to fix for the next release.

* A new feature with frayed carpet in the Maze you can only pick at it if standing next to it instead of when on it.  But just stand next to it, facing it to pick at it and you'll reap the rewards.

Now I just need for you guys to let me know about any UNKNOWN bugs.

PC Version - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h-UUkb--G_7qY6Lo3RUnMrTsnHhgS4jd/view?usp=sharing

Mac Version - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MpWBGFdrWFry7FMWCHMlk6EcFmhwpCzp/view?usp=sharing

Linux Version - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y6UcHQoIRA01XrGeS-EgllqAPK3DdO4l/view?usp=sharing



Thanks for pointing that out. I'll see what I can do about it, though the calling of files is handled by the game engine. I just select the file name in the dialog box. Keeping this in mind though, I'll most likely go thru and change everything to lowercase for the next release.


If you could DM or email me with specific files and error messages where these issues are showing up, it will give me a place to start.