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I'm sad to report that my primary computer for rendering the images I create has suffered a crash.  It will no longer boot properly.

That's the bad news.   The bright spot is that the data on the hard drive survived.  I'm in the process of retrieving it.  In fact, today I will be extracting the most important folders, the ones containing my original characters such as Solange, Mike, Callie, etc.  I'll also be pulling the WIP folders off so that I can continue working on the current projects I have going.

I ask for your indulgence as I'm rebuilding my system.  I have over 300 GB of things to load onto my machine.  

As thanks for your patience, and to make up for the loss of any posts this month, once I'm back up and running, I'm offering all my current* patrons a free commission, including the $5 tier ones.   All you have to do is contact me with what you want, and we'll discuss the particulars.   First come first served.

*current is defined as those who were patrons at the time of this posting.


Derek Levy

Sorry to hear it man


Thanks. I'm hoping I won't be out of commission for long. I'll be taking my machine into the shop early next week to see about getting the hard drive externalized so I can more easily retrieve the data. Wish me luck!