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<figure>Photo by K J Photography</figure>

“Do you have insurance?” Hell, I barely knew what insurance even was… I had a lot to learn, as a barely 16 year old who didn’t even know who Nirvana was, or even what cunnilingus was. Fortunately, I knew what pregnancy was, and I knew I was at risk.

My dad could never find out what happened last night… fortunately, there was a Planned Parenthood walking distance to our house.

“Um… no… I don’t have insurance…” I sheepishly squeaked.

“That’s ok, fill out this form, and when you’re finished come back to this window.” I was afraid my life was over. I looked to my left and saw a clear plastic container full of what looked like round flat individually packaged candies, with a little label stating “free condoms” on it. I took a handful. My name was called, and I was led to a sanitary white room in the back with a medical examination table, lined with wax paper.

After what felt like the most awkward conversation of my life- topics ranging from my substance use frequency, to my last period (which was never discussed with my parents either…), to questions of whether I am in a safe home environment, and finally discussing my need for emergency contraception, and the circumstances that caused it. Despite my klutzy sex talk, I left with a little plan B package and a bunch of informative pamphlets, at no cost! What a relief…





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