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We shot for the first time when I was just 19, it was an all day shoot in Bob's homeland in Hawaii! The next time I flew out and we shot tons of stuff for a whole week :) This particular collection of images was shot when he came to Southern California, and we ventured into the desert. 

Bob's photography is called "Art of Women, and he is a serious connoisseur. I am planning another trip to Hawaii to shoot exclusively for my Patreon- thanks to all you lovely sponsors who are making that possible!!! My career opportunities have opened up so much since I started this account, and I couldn't do it without YOU!!!

Many, Many more up to playboy style nude shots will be shared via dropbox in my next post, if you are a pledger of at least $5+ ;) And if you Pledge at $29, $49, or $99+ you will gain access to the full naughty set in its entirety

after pledges clear at the end of the month!


Right now I am at a starbucks in between shoots in Philly. Tomorrow I have one last shoot then I hop on the plane to go home!!! The next day I am going hiking with some friends and family on my Birthday, I am very excited for that :) 

I feel composed, beautiful, energetic.... and I kinda have to pee but I don't want to leave my laptop at this table... so I will just wait another hour until it's time for me to head to my next shoot, HA!




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