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"Your people cut me, I CUT you!!" He jovially teased us, yet I suspected a psychotic page in his book. "Joking, we okay now!" Still I felt slightly uneasy. He told us his father fought in the war, and he showed us some websites on his iPhone educating us on "My Lai".... you should look it up... In a foreign country like Vietnam, who knows what could happen to an American tourist on the river sidewalk in Da Nang, a bike ride's distance from Hamburger Hill.

It was Memorial Day, about 35 Celcius. As per this local's suggestion, we walked over to the Da Nang Museum and paid respects to those who lost their lives in the American & Vietnam war. I took a ton of photos in there, most of them too gruesome to share on social media.

I want to write SO MUCH about my trip to Vietnam and Cambodia! I have learned a lot about the history here, including the ancient history of Angkor Wat temple and the surrounding temples, the old school family life and living conditions of the agrarian times (much of which is still in practice by many locals today), and the last few decades of famine, war, conflict, and genocide.

I have never seen the movies Platoon, The Killing Fields, Full Metal Jacket, or Apocolypse now, but they are now on my list to watch next (I only watch 1-2 movies per month... mostly documentaries, but I am told these are a pretty accurate depiction of history).

In addition to getting closer to the culture, we have had the pleasure of riding via Motorbike through the countrysides, chilling on different beaches, trying out new fruits and dishes at local markets, took a luxury boat through Halong Bay for 3 days, explored Siem Reap and Angkor Wat, and tomorrow we are going to see the Killing Fields Museum in Phnom Penh.

--------------------------------This photo

Was shot along with a long set of super sexy selfies on the 39th floor of my Airbnb in Nha Trang, Vietnam. 

There will be several more photos from this set to be shared with my pledgers at $5 and more ;) You can see the link in the following post!

If you pledge at $10 or more, and your payment clears in the next few days, you will receive a message from me with your sexy incentives!!! All $5 pledgers have been provided the dropbox links through the postings, but those $5 dropbox links all expire after 30 days! If you want to gain access to previous $5 rewards, please upgrade to $10 or higher ;) 

If you're  $29+, $49+, or $99+ pledger, You will receive an additional message with this month's extra sexy or Smokin hott! dropbox links at the END OF THE MONTH AFTER PAYMENTS CLEAR  ;)

XOXO Kristy 



Jin N Tonic

awesome. what a crazy adventure! so excited for you to be taking time to explore. and holy fuck, that is high up!