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I am being attacked by all sides right now, puritanical society wants to purge me. Within a week, my Instagram (which I have spent every day of the last 2 years building to 29,200 followers) is now locked, my Vimeo (with 35 videos over the last 3 years, up to 20,000 - 300,000 views on each video) is also locked, and my Femme Photo LTD meetup group (I've coordinated about 20 group shoots, workshops, and a few classes over the last 4 years) is in jeopardy (not locked yet, but the new policy change has me on the chopping block). 

To add insult to injury, my dad called me again today and mentioned he dislikes my risque photos online (he did say he was proud of my entrepreneurship, though). I know he loves me, but I could have done without that comment... ya know??

I've spent countless hours on these marketing platforms: editing videos, making posts, coordinating with other models/ MUAs/ Photogs.... and the world is spitting in my face right now. This isn't just a minor inconvenience, it's a shaming of my livelihood. 

I'm not going to give up, I will have to get creative to find new avenues to share my events, videos, and IG type posts. 

Thanks all to those of you who support me here, it really makes me feel like I am not alone here, I am not a total outcast. Even if you don't pledge and you just read my free posts, that STILL matters to me, and I still appreciate you giving me the time of day, even if you think my life is ridiculous or gratuitous. 

The man can't keep me down!I will innovate, I will recreate, and I will become a stronger entity as a result of it. 




It seems to me Kristy, all the more reason for the others to join your Patreon site. Keep up the good fight. Love working with you.


Twitter and Tumblr are the only safe places for nudity but I will be the first to admit they are not very good platforms for your material


Have you browsed on Vimeo for nude videos? They're all over the place! Tons of them! Explicit stuff too