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Needless to say, the place was surreal. I know this gigantic cylindrical device at one point had a massive powerful turning function, but it was difficult to imagine it back in its glory days. You can see more of it's detail in the photos from my last posting, images by Shutterbug. The photographer told me it was part of a "cement factory". Anyone out there reading this have a better clue as to how this device may have functioned?

Regardless, it's texture, shape, size, and mystique was perfect for artistic nude photography. A post alocolypse derivitation inturpreted through my tensed calves, arched back, dusty curves, and wild hair.

So how the heck did I get up onto this big ole' thing in the first place?? You can see how in the video, if you are a pledger of $5 or more the video link will be provided for you in the following post!

My current feelings:

Today, right now I feel homesick. I have been travelling for about 15 days and I still have 9 more days until I am home. 2 weeks is usually my maximum threshhold before I start feeling drained. I did have a great shoot with Lorance this morning, that was very rejuvenating :) He has not shot in a while, and I felt like we got some amazing images :) Still the need for my own bed and my own space is getting to me. Travelling is fun but sometimes taxing.



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