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Each colorful ball highlights a different part of my body with a different color- splashing soft hues around my curves. Gabino loves experimenting with light like this, and I was pleased to take part in his creative project!

People like him are a big reason why I moved back to Seattle from San Diego. Obviously, my family was reason #1, but the creative photography culture up here jives with my style!

This is just one of about 30 photos from this artistic nude set, if you're a $5+ pledger you will have access in to these photos in the next post. 

There are a handful of extra sexy ones available to those dedicated friends who pledge at $29+ :) Those incentives will be shared at the end of the month ;)

Life update: Right now I am just in between trips, I was in Houston and Dallas for 11 days, got home Sunday around 11pm and then my little sister had her wedding Monday afternoon. Now tomorrow I fly to Phoenix!!! Will be there for 9 shoots over 5 days, and 3 shoots in Vegas in two days! Then I will be back in Seattle again.

This season is incredibly packed with travel for me, I had 3 weeks at home in late Jan-early Feb.... now it's GO TIME!!!

I am also coordinating a group shoot at a cabin in the mountains March 13, hosting a freelance modeling seminar the 15th, and then flying to Puerto Rico the 16th!!!

Many more sexy incentives are coming your way this month, get ready for some extra steamy behind the scenes videos  (if you're a $49+ pledger!)  ;)



Jin N Tonic

you are all kinds of fucking fabulous. glad you got some time at home!!! <3 will I be seeing you in april then or will you have had your AZ fill? ^_^


Of course I'm coming back for azso!!!