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I love my dad, but yesterday was a bit too much. He brought me to a business conference for an association I joined with him. It's an awesome company that provides legal insurance for $20/month, I have used it a bunch and it's totally awesome, but the meeting itself was an Amway sort of business rally.

While learning about how many hundreds of thousands of dollars I could make by networking and busting my ass, I was fighting the urge to glaze over. I love my dad very much, but he just has too high of expectations for me to get into the business side by selling this legal insurance.

I told him I would refer it to my network and while I travel, but I am not quite as gung-ho about incentive trips, BMWs, watches, and fat paychecks. I am having too much fun being a travelling nude model!

He knows what I do (well, he knows I pose nude and travel a lot) but I think he wishes I would quit and find something more "normal" for income so he can feel comfortable about my lifestyle.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

Photo by Alvarado- the time we left the studio to shoot outdoor nudes :) Will have more sexy stuff for my Patrons tomorrow :)

PS If you're interested in this legal insurance, please privately message me: kristy8787@gmail.com




Dang, what's going on with your patron account? The day I upped my donation it was at 40 patrons and jumped up a couple Ben Franklins to $531 a month. Now it dropped a couple fans and over $150 down. I thought the change was doing you wonders, but now I'm not so sure. Try not to let this discourage you. I wish you the best and looking forward to see what you continue to be creative with.


A few people had their cards declined, one was a $99 sponsor. This is why I wait until payments clear to send out incentives! It's no big deal, it's the wild wild west out here on the world wide web!


Thanks david, the selfie sets are an addition to the professional images you can see here as well as the nude creative and bts videos. I hope you have been enjoying those as well