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NOT so glamourous today.... I am in Los Angeles modeling for a couple of photographers to have hired me for half day shoots in the past. They're super nice, respectful, though they like shooting more cheesy/tacky/"naughty" content. We get along well. However today the studio they have booked is somewhat of an issue. I was told by the studio owner that he had just finished painting the white wall last night. Unfortunately the stench of toxic fumes is permeating his place. I asked to air the place out and they opened the door for like 5 minutes, but now it shut again. I hope I don't get poisoning from this. I have a really important shoot tomorrow ...as if I'm not nervous enough about being on top of my game for that.




To bad, because you look fabulous as usual!!


Well, the image you posted here looks even better than most, so that does not properly represent how you must feel. Being a Contractor I know if they used a water base paint it dries much faster and is a lot less caustic, which is why they should always use a water based paint for any indoor work. Although, if they were stupid enough to use an oil based paint inside that would be unbearable and quite dangerous. Even water based paint will smell bad for several days afterwards, where an oil based paint will take over a week to dry outdoors, and much longer inside with poor ventilation. I feel for you, as this was a very unpleasant situation. Very poor planning on their part.


yeah it was pretty gnarly. I am okay though. maybe just a bad paint smell, not lead poisoning or anything!