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This is one of those times where being a traveling model is not so glamorous. So I'm in Miami Beach right now hanging out in the rain with my big fat suitcase, backpack, and huge purse with a pillow. I just called the photographer who is supposed to be picking me up, and apparently he slept through his alarm or something. I called him last night and he was still driving (until 2:45 a.m)., because he made the major road trip to come down here and shoot with me. I asked him if he wanted to sleep in and start shooting later, but he said he definitely wanted to pick me up at 9 a.m. sharp. So I left my host's apartment, locked the door behind me as instructed, and wheeled all my shit out here right on time with my hair and makeup ready to go. He's a super apologetic old dude, and he's sort of a superfan photographer that I was shot with once before. He messeges me from time to time asking when I'll be traveling to his neck of the woods,  but that region is not profitable for me.  Right now I'm just chillin out in the rain. I hope he still pays me my full day rate, and doesn't make me work later. I was ready to go at 9, the clock should start now. Since I have discovered he won't be here for at least another 45 minutes, I have gone under the parking garage for shelter to hang out like a bum. Without funky experiences like these, the awesome times would all blend together.  At least Miami is warm!

PS $5+ dropbox links for November have all been sent! If you have any questions please let me know!



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