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FREAKED  OUT yesterday in Greece around 7am, after realizing I left my purse (with my social security card, driver's license, credit cards, cell phone, and some cash) in the taxi! Mike and I were about to hop on a ferry from Athens to one of the Greek Isles too... so because of my not-yet-caffeinated brain fart, we missed our ferry! The Greek language is not in any way similar to English, so communication with the hotel clerk who phoned our taxi was not translating properly.

 I helped guard our pile of suitcases while Mike jumped between using the phone at some irritated travel agent's hole-in-the-wall office and frantically chasing cab after cab, looking for the driver in the pale blue shirt, gray Caesar cut, and glasses. About an hour passed when a taxi driver that our hotel sent found Mike and informed him he was there to give us a ride... but we didn't need a ride, we needed my purse! The two of us were under the impression the taxi company had found it and was delivering it back to our spot at the Ferry terminal... alas the language barrier had dropped that piece of vital information. 

If I was trying to work in the states, and some guy speaking jibberish kept coming to my office frantically asking to help translate about calling a cab (when there are clearly dozens of cabs all over the street)  I would probably tell him to take a hike! Someone needed to care about us, someone needed to find it in their heart to put themself in my shoes. It would SUCK to have to replace my phone, license, ssc, and credit cards while travelling in a foreign country. 

Frustrated, still craving caffeine, and still sitting on a dirty street corner at the ferry terminal with homeless people all around me, perched atop our luggage, I began to lose hope. Just then, the hundreth taxi driver passed in front of me, driving slowly, looking confused, and jabbering into a radio receiver. We made eye contact, but then he kept driving. After rounding the corner he stopped and stepped out of his cab, looking confused. I waived and made a "purse" hand motion. To my disbelief, he stooped down and lifted out my little black purse! Squealing with joy, I ran over and gave him a hug (and Europeans don't really hug back, they kiss the cheek... but that's okay, I think he got the message). Everything was still there, the phone, money, everything! I gave the good samaritan 20Euros and thanked him. 

Thanks to the kind soul who found my purse in the backseat of the cab and reported it to the taxi driver, instead of stealing it (or anything inside it). Before I came to Greece, I was warned to watch for pick pockets as this country is apparently notorious for that. That cab driver reported the purse to his cab company, and they contacted the hotel who hooked us up with the cab, and coordinated to find us at the place they dropped me off at the ferry terminal. Someone put themself in my shoes, and felt empathy for my lost purse situation. For as ditzy and idiotic of a move it was, perhaps I deserved to lose all that stuff, but the universe had mercy on me. THANK YOU!!!!!!

Travelling can be scary sometimes, I got lucky! to see some of the sexy selfies and videos I have been making on this Eurotrip, sponsor me for $1, $5, $29, or $99 a month! (I have loads of stuff in private dropbox folders available to share with you as well)

Peace and Love, Kristy the Rebel



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