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What's that they say? "If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong!" The group of us in Bali were there to WORK! We hired a driver for the whole trip and had scheduled places to collab with one another in different locations throughout Bali. 

Carlotta knows what's up, she's the one who suggested we create a thank-you  selfie set just for our Patreon fans! And we totally got into it! There are like 60 selfies of us messing around and just being goofy and sexy together- in these black outfits as well as fully nude together. 

I tossed in some other random candid pics of us in cool scenic places. Our minds combined, we came up with some super fun imagery and content to share just for YOU! I hope you enjoy this selfie set, also with Mida Mae and Carolyn Jean ;) 

This set is available to ALL who pledge at least $5, use the $5 password (I sent it at the beginning of the month, but you can also access the $5 password HERE )

CLICK HERE to access the Crazy Selfie-Fest in Bali Gallery  

***Expectations vs Reality***

Sooo I feel like my life is in the air right now. The company that has contracted me for all these seminars had to cancel the second event in a row... and it was cancelled late the night before the event was supposed to happen... I won't go into details (well, I don't have many really) I am contractually entitled to my payment still.... but I am not sure if this filming gig is going to come together this year... which is really scary for me because I have planned my entire 2019 around these weekly events. 

I know I can survive either way, I just gotta put my big girl pants on and switch trains! Of course I still have Patreon, which helps, and I can travel to book shoots, I want to also get more video gigs too! I have actually been getting lots of editing projects where people send me their footage to edit, which has been a blessing :) 

Anyway, it's a personality related challenge for me because I am so used to being in control of my schedule and my future, to have this contract become questionable for me is making me question my entire travel itinerary (after June, and NYC and Philly are going to remain!) Ack stay tuned! 

Peace and Love and HOLY COW I APPRECIATE YOU!!! <3


