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Models buying cameras and shooting each other?! That's mind-boggling!!! True though ;) Kay Jay shot these stunning images of me in October at the Clairbnb group shoot event! I also shot a video of her- check it out here- it's about Smartphone Addiction with a Sexy Twist! 

I REALLY liked that gold wallpaper! Maybe one day I will have a place with a wall of shiny patterned wallpaper too... well actually the variety of renting locations is probably even better- variety is the spice of life! Especially in a creative person's life ;) 

This lingerie set is one of my favorites by Moondust Intimates - a hand made designer ;) Also this photo series proudly rocks my luscious tiger stripes that we have all grown to love and accept!!!  

Enjoy this totally FREE photo set! CLICK HERE:: "BOLD & FANCY" Photos by Kay Jay 

***Snapchat Update***

^^Here I am again in the bathroom on an airplane, at the very beginning of the snap chat video series... what happens next? ...Only my supporters at $29 and higher have seen it... want to access these short video series every day??? Find out how HERE

^^Here's one I did post-workout, looking all hot and sweaty lol- hey modeling life is actually usually not glamorous! I take you into the nitty gritty every day on snapchat ;) 

^^Same airbnb in the Bahamas, different day, different outfit! I was rubbing sunscreen on in the other parts of this vid series. 

So if you haven't yet taken the plunge down the rabbit hole to see my snaps, I dare you to!! Dont use the app? That's ok, I download ALL the snaps and put them into a monthly dropbox folder so ANYONE with an internet connection can see them! Join here now! ;) 

***Currently in ROME!!***

I just began this long journey with my mom and our family friend, and we are now in Rome! Our friend has never been to Europe and she really wanted to see the sights in Rome (like the Vatican of course) We will be here a few more days, then to Budapest, Prague, and London! I have been to Rome twice before but all the other places will be totally new to me! It's wintery and spectacular out here, I hope to be able to fly my drone :) 

Thank you so very much for Supporting my nude art, giving me feedback on my new daily posting regime, loving my tiger stripes, and being here for me :) Peace and Love!






Ohohoh wery nice, thank you! I`m glad to see your naked freedom :)