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If you've been with me since the beginning of patreon, you may remember my shepherdess photos in Romania. This photo by Bogdan Grigore was shot atop the Fagaras Mountains in Romania. One of the shepherds who tends this flock let us use his own sheepskin cloak and hand carved staff- these are his legit items, they are not props. And this is a legit herd of sheep. They were all very respectful and kind, and the animals were docile, there was no electricity on that mountaintop, the shepherds sleep on the ground to be with their sheep. 

Thanks so much for your support! I appreciate you!






WOW, That sounds amazing and what an experience to have! Compare that to all the hurried people in NYC. What a difference. Thank you for explaining the staff as I did wonder if it was real. So cool.


This is so beautiful!! Wow!