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The surface tension of life and death. Where fluid creatures thrive below, and us on land cross over only in dreams and metaphors, or to play with risking our lives for the sake of exploration and art.

When I was 13, I remember lying in the bathtub with my nostrils barely above the surface of the water. I was a melodramatic, somewhat morbid youth... growing up in an oppressive cult can do that to a person... so I pondered what would happen if I just dipped down a few inches and tried to stay there? 

Of course, I did not test this experiment too far, it was merely an observation of the fragility of human life. How intense, that this glass veil, the thin surface of water, can decide if one lives or dies in just a matter of minutes?

 To add a layer of complexity - even hilarity at the genius of mother nature's obvious symbolism - one can peer at their own reflection on this glass veil... from above looking down into the abyss, or from within the depths peering upward. 

So here is a mega free bonus set, photos by Mort Productions in Phoenix, AZ! 


(Free! No password!!)

***SNAP UPDATE!!!***

^^This was in the bathroom on an airplane (during my flight home from Thailand LOL!) I am becoming a connoisseur of mile-high-snapchatting! Some airplanes have these cool infinity mirrors ;) The full video series is only available to patrons at $29 or higher ;)

^^ okay okay, these filters are a bit silly, but they are SO CUTE! I feel like a kitty cat inside  and I can now be one with this cute-ass filter!! 

Click HERE to access the short videos on SNAP reward!  

(oh and by the way, be sure to follow the instructions on that link... i NEED you to comment with your username there if you want me to accept you as my snapchat friend!!)


I am currently fully engulfed in creation- this modelographer shootout in Vegas has been a very wild challenge! I have shot SO MANY different beautiful women here at the Clairbnb! Each time I am hoping to get some kind of message accross- weather it's an emotional struggle or a life lesson. I want to use my films for a purpose!

I feel very creatively inspired, and I am fully saturated with oodles of awesome content they all shot of me as well as I shot of them all!!! I can't wait to share with you the sexy and alluring model art!

Thank you so much for continuing to support me, you are such a gift in my modeling career!

Peace and Love, 






I bet that was a hard shoot to complete. It looks great and you look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

Luc Van Damme

An amazing photo shoot...the effects are amazig!


thank you! there is little editing at all actually, it's just being still below the waters surface :)