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What a better way to celebrate my independence than with a sexy self portrait set? The whole act of this is freeing- mainly that I am not reliant on others in order to create awesome photography to share. 

Don’t get me wrong, I LOOOOOOVVVVEE modeling for other photographers, it takes up a majority of my life right now! But as the originator, facilitator, and *only* copyright owner of my own images, I feel freer in self portraiture. 

I have considered selling more prints of these on Etsy, what do you think? Heck if I wanted to I could even shoot my own calendar… make my own books… maybe I WILL! I feel like I am developing a style that really resonates with me… I am in love with shallow depth of field and incorporating my triangular prism in front of the lens. 

In this series I am starting out in LoveLornLingerie (an independent luxury lingerie designer I found on Instagram…. Check her designs out!)

Please click on the link for the tier at which you pledge: 

$5, $10, & $16 "Playful" tier (14 photos)   

**Same password I sent you for entire month** 

$29, $36 "Extra Sexy" tier (22 photos INCL the super risque!)   

**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**

$49, $56, & $99 "Smokin Hott" tier (22 photos INCL super riqsue poses)  

**Same PW I sent you for entire month!**

(these links will expire in 30 days, the PLAYFUL versions will be available for an extended time to those who pledge at least $10at the end of the month)


And a quickie explanation for those of you who are new:

Playful pics/ Playful Vids = $5, $10, $16 pledgers
NAUGHTY Pics/ Playful vids= $29, $36,
NAUGHTY pics/ NAUGHTY vids= $49, $56, $99 

***Mag Cover!***

I made the cover of FemmeArte Magazine!!! Photos by Daniel Chase 

***Direction of my Life***

As you may have heard, my annual journey around the sun is making another completion this month (July 16th, actually!) I will be 31! Haha it feels interesting to put that into words. When I turned 25, I thought my modeling career was coming to an end, because most typical casting calls state "seeking 18-25 years old". 

For a while I thought about lying about my age... but I don't like the idea of lying, that's not something I want to incorporate in my personal brand. My future in modeling is going to EMBRACE aging. I want to be a example for self love, and having you here cheering me on!

What else? My filmmaking is taking off currently: serious startups are inquiring to hire me for ongoing work. Right now I feel overwhelmed because I have so much travel already booked this year, I need to seriously brainstorm about how to work this in! One of the gigs will require me to travel to Cali and Maine... I'll make it work! If I could replace my "gwc" income generating experiences with filmmaking gigs that would be AWESOME!!! 

(By that I mean, those shoots that are clearly only for the purpose of sexy entertainment that will only live on that photographer's private collection... I prefer to model for photographers who have any kind of concept, theme, technique, message, platform, direction, interesting idea, etc etc... )

Speaking of my filmmaking, I haven't SHOWN you my latest creations!!!! check it out (I shot and edited these):

Madeline Kay (A Trans Model, Bondage Metamorphosis of Self Acceptance) 

and the other is a corporate video:

Steps to Buying a Home 

Anyway thanks so much for contributing to my success! I am stoked to continue modeling to the ends of the earth, and breaking social stigmas for age and body positivity :) 

You ROCK!!






I love the set here and the lingerie is amazing.Happy early birthday and wish you the best on your film making =D