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Last year I decided to start documenting some of my sensuality in my day-to-day escapades, and I create mini-video clip stories using the SnapChat app. For those of you who are new, just so ya know, you don't need to be a snapchat user to access these videos!

THEY ARE ALL RIGHT HERE! (If you pledge $29 or higher!)

Here is a recent tidbit from a snap story:

^^This one was in the bathroom on an airplane, I have this weird obsession for making hott mini-videos while 30,000 feet in the air. Wtf right? Part of it is to display how often I am actually in an airplane, there have been many of these "mile high" snaps... but I always try to mix up the way I shoot them! This time I made it sexy yet silly with the rainbow-barfing filter ;) 

^^Here I am getting creative with a seashell in Belize on the hammock in front of our Airbnb :)

^^This is a cropped clip from a "belfie angle" (Belfie means butt-selfie) part of a snap series. I was on the beach in Belize- sandy booty life! This was actually shot right after the Beach Selfie Set I shared the other day :) 

It is fun to follow daily on snap, but I understand not everyone uses that app or has access to it. So to make sure ALL my supporters (at $29 and up) can enjoy them, I download each video and share them on a dropbox link. 

You can access the snap stories HERE!  (there are about 50 snaps in there as of today!)

And I upload a bunch of them at least once a week, so keep checking back!

***Sand and Skin Photos by Vinny Kim***

Click Here for the "Sand and Skin" Photo Gallery  (USE THE $5 Playful Password) 


This set is available to all supporters who pledge at least $5 or more :) There is something sweet and soft about how the sand blends with my skin tone.... I really really love this set by Vinny KIm!


I am in Dallas! This is a quick tour packed with a ton of shoots, I get home in three days. 

I am so happy I can rent cars while I travel now! I had an ignition interlock device for 5 years, which is a breathalyzer installed into the ignition of the car to make sure I don't try to drink and drive. I was also court ordered to go to AA and check in with a probation officer after my 2nd DUI a little over 6 years ago. Oh and I was in jail 20 days. 

For your visual aid, here is a clip (THIS IS FROM LAST JUNE, BEFORE I HAD IT UNINSTALLED)

So Yeah, now I am almost 6 years sober! I have a new car since I uninstalled that device. It was a pain to have to pay $100 per month for it, plus take it in for a calibration every 60 days and deal with judgemental carwash employees, oil changers, and acquaintence passengers. 

I was scared that having it uninstalled would make me want to drink again, fortunately I have had success in sobriety since the removal, going strong! Without my sobriety there is no way I could have the life I do now. 

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support! If you are curious about the snaps or have any questions, feel free to message me! make sure to read the details about accessing the snaps if you already are a $29 or higher supporter :) all the info you need is HERE!  

Peace and Love, All!




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