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Okie Dokie I got a freebie video for everyone!!! I am sending the password to all my pledgers, but if you don't sponsor me and you want the password, just message me and I'll give it to you FOR FREE

The full video is over 9 minutes long :) Here is the link: 

Nude Yoga Video "Body Love" (9 min, message me for the password! NO EXPIRATION!!!) 

This is a special gift to ALL who take a moment to stop by my page, thank you all so much!

In the next post I will share the "Windswept Beauty" photos that resulted from the last video I shared 3 days ago :) 


Also, I made my monthly contribution to Futures Without Violence! When I was 18 I moved into my first apartment, my first roommate (who was still 17) had a 25 year old baby-daddy.  (the kid lived with her parents, not with us!)

Things were great for the first few months living there, but this boyfriend started getting violent with her. 

I have been in emotionally and financially abusive relationships before, but have not had firsthand experience with physical abuse... but I witnessed it firsthand. 

He bruised her, he strangled her, but she fought for her dignity, she fought to maintain connection with him as the father to her child. She is a beautiful woman, she is courageous, she is resiliant, her independence threatened his ego. 

I jumped out of my sheltered Christian family life straight into THIS! I was shocked. There was an incident where I had to call the police when he was attacking her, but he sweet talked the cops when they arrived, and no one went to jail (she played along with him) 

Anyway, this is part of the reason why I chose Futures Without Violence as my monthly charitable donation. Their services include nipping domestic violence in the bud BEFORE things get out of hand. They also consult with judges, doctors, psychiatrists, and police to educate them on noticing the signs of violence in families and on the streets. 

Thank you for sponsoring me, 10% of your pledge goes to this charity! I have attached my donation receipt in this post for you to view as well.

Peace and Love



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