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Here is a quick design explanation for how foreplay works once you get an NPC witch to take a liking to you:

When the witch’s lust is maxed (during prior conversation with player response choices)  and she is horny enough for the player to interact with her in a foreplay scene (done through VN mode with added interactivity features). This scene features a “foreplay system” utilizing point and click hotspots that raise her “arousal”.

Foreplay scenarios and pose features are different for every witch.

In foreplay scenes, the player must raise the witch’s arousal meter to maximum by interacting with the character in the scene. Each witch offers a different foreplay scenario with its own set of interactive criteria.

Typically, the witch will be posed suggestively towards the player (POV of the player) and her body/clothing will be intractable.

Each area of interactivity has a number of states and requirements to advance the scene state forward. These states are paired with short snippets of dialogue associated with each hot spot.

For example:

The scene might begin with the witch sitting on a bed. The player must then touch her at various points to raise the arousal meter to 25% to trigger the next state of the scene. The required interactions are hinted at by dialogue/scenario.

State 2 might require interacting with several articles of clothing. By clicking each article, the player “removes” them. Completing this task will move the meter to 50%. The required interactions are hinted at by dialogue/scenario.

The final state might require interacting with her sensitive areas (now exposed), such as nipples, vagina, etc. The required interactions are hinted at by dialogue/scenario.

At different thresholds of Arousal, new interactivity will unlock for the player, usually indicated by the NPC dialogue.

Different interactive hotspots have different Arousal points associated with them in each scene. For instance, touching the NPC’s legs might give the player +1 and touching their ass might award +3. These interactions can be repeated to get Arousal to the next threshold.

Interacting with hotspots will play lewd sound effects of the NPC in a semi-randomized fashion.

Succeeding in this will bring the arousal meter to 100%, allowing the player to advance to the intercource scenes.



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