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Happy Winter Holidays, faithful readers!

(and yes, it is winter since yesterday, so by definition I am allowed to make this greeting)

Today there are good news. First, I have finished writing the chapter 113 of The odds were never in my favour, the Rules have changed.

It has been promptly sent off to my beta, so you will get the monthly update soon (and by that I mean before the 31).

Also it must be noted for TWO 13-1 that one of my two betas, truly impressed by the zeal of the Commissars, has sent me his corrections (the other is summoned to an Inquisitorial base as we speak). This is what I'm working on right now.

And yes, that means a very busy end of the year for everyone (evil grin).



Did not pick up on it on first pass… but is Alexandra attempting to start a new Lord of Rings movie? Also Neville is definitely is shaping up to be someone Susan or Daphne are going to need to deal with. He is failing to do any introspection or use that the brain between his ears. Here is hoping that Sprout comment about House / Sorting will get him to think a bit more since it comes from someone who does not belong to the dark and in theory he respected. Else I fear he is most likely going to backslide into the "Light" terrorist camp when Dumbledore is removed.


Thanks for the early holiday gift.