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Hi dear, readers...

Okay, I had promised an update for the month, but so far, I don't have decided everything. Some of it is because ff.net, as per the norm these days, is missing several big functions, like the alerts, traffic statistics, and so on...

On the other hand, I've decided that this week, the chapter to be written will be The Dance is not Over. There will be an update by Sunday here at the latest, I think. I have a plan for the chapter, and I'm going to begin to write it tomorrow.




On the subject of ff.net alerts have you checked your personal settings? I'm still getting alerts but know they changed things awhile back so everyone's settings automatically default of no emails every 120 days or so. If you aren't it might be because you need to go in and tell them again that you do want email alerts.


Yes, I checked the personal settings, they're fine...it is truly a problem with the website, alas. Note that my traffic stats are also inexistent, so it's not just a single problem. And I will note too that I had several problems with the alerts in the last weeks, it's just that this one is lasting days with no sign of the problem being resolved...


To repell your fear about alerts, i'm checking daily for the few authors that might post. I'll be noticing it soonest^^ Also: I'm currently finally starting to read odds, so i managed to fight my fear of giant stories but it's already pulling me in.